Name | Contact Information | Expertise |
Zoe Askew
Baltimore County Nutrient Management Baltimore City |
Benjamin E Beale
Principal Agent
St. Mary's County Southern Maryland Cluster Agronomic Crop Production Fruits & Vegetables Crops Beginning Farmer Herbicide Resistant Weed Management |
Doris Behnke
Principal Agent Associate
Cecil County Master Gardener Coordinator Vineyard Management Home Horticulture General Agriculture |
Bryan R Butler
Principal Agent
Tree Fruits Vegetables High Tunnels Small Fruit Hops and Barley Nutrient Management - Carroll County Carroll County Northern Maryland Cluster |
Sunoh Che
Assistant Professor
Poultry management Veterinary epidemiology Statistical model building Metabolic disorders of chickens |
Sunoh Che
Assistant Professor
Poultry management Veterinary epidemiology Statistical model building Metabolic disorders of chickens |
David L Clement
Principal Agent
Plant Pathology Ornamental IPM Ornamental Diseases Ornamental Disease Management HGIC Home Gardening |
Sam Covington
Cecil County Kent County Nutrient Management |
Erika Crowl
Senior Agent Associate
Nutrient Management General Agriculture Equine Baltimore County Northern Maryland Cluster |
Nevin Dawson
Faculty Specialist
Grants Grant Management Grant Writing Sustainable Agriculture Soil Health Conservation Tillage Cover Crops Forest Stewardship Caroline County |
Shannon P Dill
Principal Agent, Agriculture
Agriculture Business Farm Management Marketing Crop Budgets Talbot County Mid-Shore Cluster Women In Agriculture Beginning Farmer |
Marlow Dilling
Nutrient Management Caroline County |
Christopher S Dowell
Calvert County Prince George's County Nutrient Management |
Joseph A Fiola
Principal Agent
Viticulture Small Fruit Enology Fruit Breeding WMREC |
Brittany Fletcher
Beef Cattle Small Ruminants Dairy Cattle Livestock Animal Nutrition & Feed |
Travis Ford
Agronomy Precision Agriculture Remote Sensing Grain Crop Production |
Andrea Franchini
Ext Prog Asst
Urban Agriculture |
Nathan Glenn
Agent Associate
Farm Business Management Agricultural and Resource Economics Livestock Management Howard County |
Amanda Grev
Forages Pasture & Hay Production Pasture Management Rotational Grazing Livestock Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Small Ruminants Equine |
Kayla M Griffith
Faculty Specialist and Acting Director, ANMP
Nutrient Management Agronomy Agriculture Education Soil Science Urban Agriculture |
Mahdia Haque
Administrative Assistant II
Susan R. Harrison
Principal Agent Associate
LEAD Maryland Program Public Issues Education leadership fellowship leadership development LEAD Maryland Foundation Wye REC general agriculture, natural resources, rural community leadership |
Samuel Harrison
Talbot County Nutrient Management |
Lucy Hayes
Carroll County Nutrient Management |
Sarah M Hirsh
Somerset County Lower Shore Cluster Agronomy Agronomy Field Crops soils Cover Crops Nutrient Management Herbicide Resistant Weed Management |
Patricia A. Hoopes
Harford County Nutrient Management Environmental Science Consultant soils Coordinator |
Darren H Jarboe
Principal Agent & Assistant Director
Assistant Director and Agriculture and Food Systems Program Leader Agribusiness Management Agricultural Production Biorenewables Entrepreneurship Technology Commercialization Nutrient Management |
Dale M. Johnson
Farm Management Specialist
Dwayne D. Joseph
Integrated Weed Management Kent County Upper Shore Cluster |
Brooke Knauss
Anne Arundel County Nutrient Management |
Andrew A. Kness
Senior Agent
Agronomy Plant Pathology Pasture Management Diseases of Field Crops Soils |
Hemendra Kumar
Precision Agriculture Specialist
Precison Agriculture Climate-and Water-Smart Irrigation Management Agricultural Water Management Drainage Water Management Inverse Modeling Crop Modeling Digital Agriculture Surface and Subsurface Hydrologic Modeling Groundwater Hydrology Water Quality Statistics Machine Learning and Remote Sensing |
William D Lantz
Principal Agent
Livestock Dairy Beef Cattle Goats Forages Beginning Farmer Alternative Ag Farm Management 4-H Robotics Engineering Vegetables High Tunnels Tomatoes Small Fruit Strawberries Raspberries Garrett County Western Maryland Cluster |
Neith Little
Senior Agent
Baltimore City Urban Agriculture Soil Science Small and Beginning Farms |
Sarah Llewellyn
Agent Associate
Master Gardener Coordinator |
Qianwen Lu
Santana Mays
Agent Associate
4-H Animal Sciences Livestock Youth Development 4-H Youth Development Camping |
Krista Mitchell
Howard County Nutrient Management |
Jeff Moore
Queen Anne's County Nutrient Management |
Jonathan Moyle
Principal Agent
Poultry Specialist LESREC |
Ronald David Myers
Principal Agent
Fruits & Vegetables Crops Agronomy Field Crops Weed Science Pesticide Use & Safety No-Tillage Technology Pasture & Hay Production Anne Arundel County Capital Cluster |
Kelly Nichols
Agronomy Beginning Farmer Commercial Horticulture Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Integrated Weed Management |
Maegan A Perdue
Senior Agent Associate
Livestock Goats Sheep Pasture Management Worcester County Lower Shore Cluster Nutrient Management Poultry Small Ruminants Equine Beef Cattle |
Bill Phillips
Faculty Specialist, ANMP
Agronomy Field Crops Cover Crops Crop Science Plant Science and Technology |
Jennifer L Rhodes
Principal Agent
Women In Agriculture Risk Management education Crop Budgets Grain Marketing Commercial Poultry Agronomy Field Crops Nutrient Management Poultry Extension Activities Queen Anne's County Upper Shore Cluster |
Andrew G. Ristvey
Principal Agent & Extension Specialist for Commercial Horticulture
Commercial Horticulture Alternative Specialty Crops Green Roof Aronia Wye REC |
Ginny Rosenkranz
Principal Agent Associate
Commercial Horticulture Ornamental IPM Turfgrass IPM Master Gardener Coordinator Lower Shore Cluster Commercial Horticulture Cut flower |
Haley Sater
Hayden Schug
Charles County Southern Maryland Cluster Agronomy Field Crops Integrated Pest Management Entomology |
Charles F Schuster
Senior Agent Emeritus
Commercial Horticulture Carroll County Central Maryland Cluster Small and Beginning Farms Turf nutrient management. Nutrient Management Vegetables |
Abigail Anna Selnick
Nutrient Management Montgomery County Nutrient Management |
Jeff Semler
Principal Agent
Washington County Western Maryland Cluster Small Ruminants Forage Systems Management Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Pasture & Hay Production Pasture Management Agronomy Field Crops Rotational Grazing |
Paul Shipley
Faculty Extension Assistant
Debbie Simpkins
Senior Agent Associate
Wye REC LEAD Maryland; Leadership Development; Leadership curriculum; Leadership education for adults serving agriculture, natural resources and rural communities; |
Greg Simpson
St. Mary's County Nutrient Management |
Sabrina Summers
Frederick County Nutrient Management |
Andrea Uphold
Nutrient Management Garrett County |
Kurt Vollmer
Weed Management |
Anne-Meredith Webster
Somerset County Nutrient Management |
Xuan Wei
Urban Agriculture Agricultural Business Consumer Behavior Experimental Economics Economic Impact Analysis Specialty Crop Marketing |
Veronica Yurchak
Agent & Extension Specialist for Commercial Vegetable Production
Vegetable Production Integrated Pest Management Integrated Weed Management |
Emily Zobel
Senior Agent Associate
Entomology Insects Integrated Pest Management Vegetable Insects Vegetable & Fruit IPM Vegetables Home Garden Insects Dorchester County Master Gardener Coordinator |