Civil Rights Guides graphicAn outline of internal UME program civil rights file organization, USDA Compliance Review guides, and AGNR's compliance newsletter.

Laws Directives & RegulationsLaws, regulations and USDA guidance related to AGNR civil rights compliance, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Sections 503, 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

AGNR Equal Access PolicieDocuments related to institutional and program equal access policies including UMD policies, Nondiscrimination Letter for Partnering with External Organization, and Program Assurance Statements in English.

Posters“And Justice For All” posters, Invitation to Self-Identify, Reasonable Accommodation Request Form and other public information related to programs and civil rights.

Disability ResourcesMaterials including requests for reasonable accommodations, interpreting and/or translation, ADA compliance, and other resources.

Language AccessDocuments related to improving access for persons with Limited English Proficiency including forms in Maryland's top seven LEP languages: Spanish (Español), French (Français), Korean ( 한국어), Vietnamese (tiếng Việt), Chinese ( 简体中文), Tagalog, and Russian (Русский).

Population DataMaterials related to data collection and parity and access to AGNR's AgDashboard.

IPA Forms graphicDocuments related to the internal program assessment process. Formerly known as the internal compliance review.

Compliance TrainingTrainings and presentations provided to AGNR faculty, staff and administrators.

Program Complaints & ProceduresHow and where to file complaint and program complaint forms.