Corn growing in soil
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$ 20 and $25 for NuMan Pro software
Maryland Department of Agriculture
About the Organizer
Kayla Griffith

Farming Training and Certification - Session A

$ 20 and $25 for NuMan Pro software
Maryland Department of Agriculture
About the Organizer
Kayla Griffith

Farmer Training & Certification (FTC)

For Agronomic Crop and Animal Operations
Winter/Spring 2025 Sessions

Description: An opportunity for producers with cropland and pastures in Maryland who meet the minimum requirements ($2,500 gross agricultural income or 8 animal units) to learn how to write their own nutrient management plan (NMP). Interested producers may attend one of four sessions, see registration information below. Upon completion of this course producers will become certified to write their operation’s plan and will also fulfill the nutrient applicator voucher training requirements.
Time and Certification: This course requires a significant time commitment. Larger, more complicated farm operations and those with high phosphorus soil test levels and multiple sources of organic amendments may require additional training. Additional optional opportunities will be announced for each session during training. Farmers are required to have current soil and manure/organic tests prior to the training. To become certified, farmers must complete all coursework, pass the certification exam, and have their first nutrient management plan approved by MDA.

Before registering, ensure you have the required materials and skills:

  • Required Materials/Technology
    • Reliable internet connection
    • Email address
    • Computer with Windows 7 or later (NuMan Pro software is not compatible with Mac)
    • Printer (provided for in-person courses)
    • Microsoft Word and Excel
    • PDF reader software
    • Webcam (for online course)
  • Required Skills
    • Competency in high school math
    • Intermediate computer skills including:
      • Web browsing
      • MS Office programs (Word, Excel), PDF readers
      • Ability to download/open/save computer files
      • Ability to learn a new software program (NuMan Pro)

Cost and Accommodation:

  • Space is limited, register early. Registration will close one week prior to the course date or when capacity is reached.
  • Cost for the course is a $20 exam fee (to be paid directly to MDA following registration, no later than 2 weeks before the start of the course) and $25 for NuMan Pro software.
  • If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this training, please contact Kayla Griffith ( no later than two weeks prior to the start of the course.

Registration: Below are the four sessions that will be available during the winter and spring 2025. Register for one session only. Please pay particular attention to location, sessions are in-person or online only, there is no hybrid option. Registration is first come, first serve for those who have updated soil tests and manure tests (if applicable). Instructors reserve the right to cancel sessions that do not meet minimum registration requirements. Lunch will not be provided for in-person sessions, please plan accordingly.

Winter/Spring 2025 Course Opportunities (select only one)

Dates Location Address Registration Link
Session A - MDA
1/28/2025, 1/30/2025, and 2/3/2025
In-person Maryland Department of Agriculture (50 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis MD 21401)
Session B - Online
2/3/2025 through 3/7/2025
Online Online
Session C – Frederick Co.
3/24/2025, 3/26/2025, and 4/2/2025
In-person Frederick County Extension (330 Montevue Lane, Frederick MD 21702)
Session D - Online
3/31/2025 through 5/2/2025
Online Online

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