Aerial Photograph of AGNR's Wye Research and Education Center

REGISTRATION - The deadline is Tuesday, February 20, 2024 cost is $40.00* (includes lunch and morning snacks).

*To pay by credit card: click on the green button "Order Now" to access the online registration process. Please note that if you are unable to attend and request a refund- The Eventbrite processing fee of $4.52 is nonrefundable.

Register Now
$ $40.00 (includes lunch and morning snacks)
124 Wye Narrows Drive,Queenstown,MD,US,21658
About the Organizer
Megan Stibbe
Phone: (410) 827-8056

2024 Bay Area Fruit School


REGISTRATION - The deadline is Tuesday, February 20, 2024 cost is $40.00* (includes lunch and morning snacks).

*To pay by credit card: click on the green button "Order Now" to access the online registration process. Please note that if you are unable to attend and request a refund- The Eventbrite processing fee of $4.52 is nonrefundable.

Register Now
$ $40.00 (includes lunch and morning snacks)
124 Wye Narrows Drive,Queenstown,MD,US,21658
About the Organizer
Megan Stibbe
Phone: (410) 827-8056

The University of Maryland Extension and College of Agriculture & Natural Resources will host an all-day workshop discussing recent fruit tree planting and management research on Friday, February 23rd, at the Wye Research and Education Center, 124 Wye Narrows Drive in Queenstown.