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John E. Erwin

Professor & Chair

Professor & Chair

Plant Science & Landscape Architecture 2104 Plant Sciences Building 4291 Fieldhouse Drive College Park, MD 20742-4452


My research aims to 1) reduce negative impacts of high temperature on crop growth and yield by accelerating high temperature tolerant crop development through molecular and traditional breeding techniques, and to 2) reduce chemical, energy and labor inputs for crop production.  My work primarily addresses issues/needs among ornamental plant and vegetables producers outdoors and in controlled environments/greenhouses.


Selected Research Outcomes:  

- Developed temperature manipulation techniques to reduce stem elongation in controlled environments (referred to as DIF, DROP and DIP) to reduce chemical and energy use.

- Identified photoperiodic flowering requirements of numerous ornamentals and herbs species (>80), as well as over 70 cacti and succulent species, to allow scheduling of flowering in controlled environments and to increase sales.  

- Determined photosynthetic and flowering heat tolerance is associated with stomatal closure and the plant growth hormone abscisic acid synthesis and/or response in Arabidopsis and tomato.

- Determined photosynthetic responses of ornamental, leafy greens, tomatoes and peppers to irradiance, carbon dioxide and temperature to maximize photosynthesis and yield while minimizing energy inputs.

- Developed novel fungicide/pesticide application techniques (time of day, synergistic combinations) to increase efficacy to reduce chemical and labor inputs and environmental impacts.

Recent work focuses on 1) root health impacts on growth, 2) inducing natural plant defenses to decrease pesticide use, and 3) UV light effects on disease suppression.




  • B.S. Ornamental Horticulture Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture (1983)
  • M.S. Horticulture Michigan State University (1986)
  • PhD. Horticulture Michigan State University (1989)

Professional Work

2019-present          Professor and Chair, Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

2020-present.         Committee Member, Federal Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Advisory Committee

1986–present         Controlled Environment and Ornamental Crop Production Consultant

2007-2019               Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

2010-2017               Elected Citywide Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Commissioner (2 terms; 8 years), Minneapolis, MN

1997–2007              Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota     

2002-2005               Elected Citywide Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Commissioner (1 term; 4 years), Minneapolis, MN

1989-1996               Assistant Professor, Department of Horticultural Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

1983–1989              Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI

1983-1989               Owner, Erwin Landscaping Service, Lansing, MI

1976-1983                Landscaper, Nursery Manager, County Line Landscape Nursery, Harleysville, PA.


Recent research efforts revolve around: 

-  1) the environmental physiology of thermomorphogenesis and ameliorating the negative effects of high temperature on flowering and photosynthesis to increase crop yield.  Recent work revolves around exploring the involvement of the plant growth regulator abscisic acid in plant heat tolerance.

-  2) environmental manipulation and production strategies in controlled environments crop production to maximize photosynthesis and yield, reduce production time, and reduce chemical, energy and labor inputs. 

-  3) identifying production strategies for new heat/drought tolerant ornamental crops (especially cacti and succulents), and 

-  4) Utilization of new UV (A, B and C) light technologies to reduce fungal disease infestation in greenhouse/controlled environment crops.



My undergraduate teaching efforts primarily focus on using experiential learning techniques grounded in science to teach horticulture crop production (especially in controlled environments).  

Courses taught include:

1) Controlled Environment Agriculture

2) Plant Structure and Function

3) Floriculture Crop Production

4) Growing the Guilty Pleasures

5) Backyard Farmer:  The Science to Food Production and Preservation, and

6) Ornamental/Vegetable Plant Identification  

My graduate teaching efforts focus on teaching whole plant physiology as it relates to photosynthesis, flowering physiology, and consulting methods.


My extension activities are grounded in a strong belief in the importance of the Land-Grant mission to Maryland farmers and residents and the US as a whole.  

My extension program focuses on increasing the success and profitability of 1) Maryland farmers, 2) the US controlled environment agriculture, 3) US greenhouse production of ornamental and edible crops, and 4) US outdoor ornamental crop production.   All extension resources and recent presentations can be found on my website: . 

Research Publications


  1. Swanson, E. O., Carlson, J. L., Perkus, L. A., Grossman, J., Rogers, M., Erwin, J. E., Slavin, J. L.#, Rosen, C. J.# (2022). Nutrient and nitrate composition of greenhouse-grown leafy greens: A trial comparison between conventional and organic fertility treatments. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6(811995), 1-15.
  2. Schulden, T., ChhabraPerkus, B., Steadham, J., Yadav, I., Kolmer, J., Gill, B., Bowden, R., Chhuneja, P., Erwin, J., Rawat, N., Tiwari, V. (2022). Fine-mapping of wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici) resistance gene Lr57 from Aegilops geniculata. Phytopathology, 112(8), 19.
  3. Singh, L., Schulden, T., Wight, J. P., Crank, J., Thorne, L., Erwin, J. E., Dong, Y., Rawat, N. (2021). Evaluation of application timing of Miravis Ace for control of Fusarium head blight in wheat. Plant Health Progress, 22(2), 94-100.
  4. Steadman, J., Schulden, T., Kalia, B., Gill, B., Bowden, R., Chhuneja, P., Erwin, J., Tiwari, V., Rawat, N. (2021). An approach for high-resolution genetic mapping of distant wild relatives of bread wheat: example of fine mapping of Lr57 and Yr40 genes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1-16.
  5. Ahmadi-Lahijani, M. J., Kafi, M., Nezami, A., Nabati, J., Erwin, J. (2021). ABA and BAP improve the accumulation of carbohydrates and alter carbon allocation in potato plants at elevated CO2. Physiol Mol Bill Plants(
  6. Erwin, J., Guenthner, G. (2021). The importance of soil temperature (7th ed., vol. 85). West Chicago, Illinois: Ball Publishing.
  7. Fisher, P., Erwin, J. (2021). Rethinking the black nursery pot (8th ed., vol. 85). West Chicago, Illinois: Ball Publishing.
  8. Erwin, J.  2019.  Environmental physiology of ornamental crops.  In:  M. Reid, ed., Advances in Ornamental Horticulture.  Cambridge Press. (in press; anticipate 2020).
  9. Erwin, J. E., Hussein, T., Baumler, D. (2019). Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration and water use efficiency vary among pepper varieties. Hortscience, 54(10), 1662-1666.
  10. Erwin, J. E., Hensley, J. (2019). Evaluating plant species with horticultural and/or ecological attributes for extensive green roofs in a cool, dry climate. Hortscience, 54(10), 1703-1711
  11. Ahmadi-Lahijani, M. J., Kafi, M., Nezami, A., Nabati, J., Erwin, J. (2019). Effect of cultivar and elevated level of CO2 in gas exchanges, biochemical traits an minituber yield in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 21(4), 883-894.
  12. Guenthner, G., Kusama, G. P., Erwin, J. E., Bugbee, B. (2018). A novel sensor and technique to quantify root respiration. HortScience.
  13. Guenthner, G., Erwin, J. E. (2018). Impact of high root temperature on heat tolerant and intolerant Lycopsersicon esculentum variety photosynthetic rate. HortScience.
  14. Guenthner, G., Erwin, J. E. (2018). Temperature effects root respiration rate of heat tolerant and intolerant tomato varieties. HortScience.
  15. Guenthner, G., Erwin, J. E. (2018). Variation in root respiration rate among herbaceous ornamental plant species. HortScience.
  16. Erwin, J. E., Guenthner, G. (2018). Impact f irradiance and carbon dioxide concentration on photosynthetic rate of five ornamental plant species/hybrids grown in tissue culture. HortScience.
  17. Lahijani, M., Kafi, M., Nezami, A., Nabati, J., Mehrjedi, M., Shankoomahally, S., Erwin, J. E. (2018). Variations in assimilation rate, photo assimilate translocation, and cellular fine structure of potato cultivars (Solanum tuberous L.) exposed to elevated CO2. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 130, 303-313.
  18. Erwin, J. E. (2018). Plant Grower.
  19. Lahijani, M., Kafi, M., Nezami, A., Nabati, J., Erwin, J. E. (2018). Effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine and Abscisic Acid on Gas Exchange, Biochemical Traits, and Minituber Production of Two Potato Cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 20(1), 129-139.
  20. Lahijani, M., Kafi, M., Nezami, A., Nabati, J., Erwin, J. E. (2018). Sprouting, plant establishment, and yield improvement of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) minituber cultivars by foliar application of benzylaminopurine and abscisic acid.
  21. Erwin, J. E. (2017). Interview with John Erwin on new vegetable options in the future.
  22. Erwin, J. E. (2017). Safe edible crop production. GPN Magazine (October).
  23. Erwin, J., Gesick, E. (2017). Photosynthetic responses of swiss chard, kale, and spinach cultivars to irradiance and carbon dioxide concentration. HortScience, 52(5), 706-712.
  24. Erwin, J., Altman, K., Esqueda, F. (2017). Temperature impacts cactus and succulent development rate. HortTechnology, 27(1), 65-68.
  25. Erwin, J. E. (2016). Easter lily production (pp. 1-12). Gloeckner Bulletin, 2016-2017.
  26. Erwin, J. E. (2016). Temperature and irradiance affects photoperiodic flower induction. Acta Horticulture.
  27. Erwin, J. E., Carlson, J., Perkins, E., Slavin, J., Rosen, C. (2016). Day/night temperature regime affects  photosynthetic responses to irradiance and carbon dioxide, and mineral, vitamin and fiber content of several vegetable crops. Acta Horticulture.
  28. Erwin, J., O’Connell, R., Altman, K. (2016). Photoperiod, irradiance, and temperature affect Echinopsis ‘Rose Quartz’ flowering. HortScience, 51(12), 1494-1497.
  29. Currey, C., Kopsell, D., Mattson, N., Lopez, R., Erwin, J. E. (2016). Supplemental and sole-source lighting of leafy greens, herbs, and microgreens. in Light Management in Controlled Environments (2nd ed., pp. 5). Willoughby, OH: Meister Pub.
  30. Erwin, J. E., Mattson, N., Warner, R. (2016). Light effects on annual bedding plants. in Light Management in Controlled Environments (2nd ed., pp. 33). Willoughby, OH: Meister Publishing.
  31. Currey, C., D. Kopsell, N. Mattson, R. Lopez and J. Erwin.  2016.  In: Runkle, E. & R. Lopez, Lighting Up Profits:  Chapter 15 – Supplemental and sole-source lighting of leafy greens, herbs, and microgreens.  2nd. Ed., Meister Pub., Willoughby, OH. pp.
  32. Erwin, J., N. Mattson & R. Warner.  2016.  In: Runkle, E. & R. Lopez, Lighting Up Profits:  Chapter 10 – Light effects on annual bedding plants.  2nd. Ed., Meister Pub., Willoughby, OH. pp.

Published Conference Proceedings

  1. Cave, R.L., J.E. Erwin, G.L. Hammer, C.J. Birch, and M.E. Johnson.  2010.  An experimental approach for developing seed lines of new Australian native flowering pot plants.  International Symposium on Advances in Ornamentals, Landscape and Urban Horticulture.  Acta Horticulturae. 937:37-43.
  2. Currey, C.J. and J.E. Erwin. 2010. Photoperiodic effects on flowering of Kalanchoe species with ornamental potential. XXVIIIth International Horticultural Congress, Acta Horticulturae 2:137
  3. Zanin, P., and J.E. Erwin.  2008. Responses of Salvia spp. To photoperiod and irradiance at different times in a production cycle.  Acta Horticulturae.
  4. Erwin, J.E.  2007.  Looking for new ornamentals:  Flowering studies.  VI International Symposium on New Floriculture Crops.  Madera Island, Portugal.  Acta Horticulturae.  813:61-66. 
  5. Erwin, J. 2007.  Cacti:  studies on introducing a new group of ornamental plants.  VI International Symposium on New Floriculture Crops.  Madera Island, Portugal. Acta Horticulturae. 813:359-364.
  6. Zanin, P., and J.E. Erwin.  2006.  Photoperiod and irradiance effects on Salvia elegansSgreggii, and Spatensflowering, height and branching.  I International Symposium on Labiatae:  Advances in Production, Biotechnology and Utilization.  Acta Horticulturae. 723:367-374. 
  7. Erwin, J.E., C. Rohwer, and E. Gesick.  2006. Red:far red and photosynthetically active radiation filtering by leaves differs with species.  V. International Symposium on Artificial Lighting in Horticulture.  Lillehammer, Norway.Acta Horticulturae. 711:195-199.
  8. Rohwer, C.L., and J.E. Erwin.  2005.  Irradiance and photoperiod effects on methyl jasmonate synthesis in Artemisiaspp.  V. International Symposium on Artificial Lighting in Horticulture.  Lillehammer, Norway. Acta Horticulturae. 711:375-380.
  9. Mattson, N.S., and J.E. Erwin.  2002.  Temperature affects flower initiation and development rate of impatiens, Petunia, and Viola.  XXVI International Horticulture Congress:  Elegant Science in Floriculture. Acta Horticulturae. 624:191-197.
  10. Erwin, J.E., and R.M. Warner.  2002.  Determination of photoperiodic response group and effect of supplemental irradiance on flowering of several bedding plant species. Acta Horticulturae, 580:95-99.
  11. Warner, R., and J.E. Erwin.  2002.  Estimation of total canopy photosynthetic capacity of roses grown under two canopy management systems. IV. International Symposium on Artificial Lighting Acta Horticulturae. 580:89-93.
  12. Warner, R.M., and J.E. Erwin.  2000.  Photosynthetic responses of heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive cultivars of Impatiens hawkeri and Viola x wittrockiana to high temperature exposures.  IV. International Symposium on Artificial Lighting. Acta Horticulturae.  580:215-219.
  13. Erwin, J.E.  2000.  Variation in photoperiodic responses among commercial species.  IV. International Symposium on Artificial Lighting.  Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Acta Horticulturae 580:
  14. Wagner, R.  And J.E. Erwin.  2000.  Variation in photosynthetic rate among commercial roses grown under two different management strategies. IV. International Symposium on Artificial Lighting.  Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Acta Horticulturae 580:
  15. Erwin, J.E., R.M. Warner. 2000.  Determination of photoperiodic response group and effect of supplemental irradiance on flowering of several bedding plant species.  IV International Symposium on Artificial Lighting. Acta Horticulturae580:95-99.
  16. Wagner, R.  and J.E. Erwin.  2000.  Variation in photosynthetic rate among commercial roses grown under two different management strategies. IV International Symposium on Artificial Lighting.  Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
  17. Wilkins, H.F., and J. E. Erwin.  1996.  Necessary considerations to introduce new taxa.  III International Symposium on New Floriculture Crops.  Perth, Western Australia.  Acta Horticulturae. 454:81-84.
  18. Erwin, J. E.  1992.  Temperature control on stem elongation.  International Society of Horticultural Sciences Symposium on Transplant Technology.  Honolulu, Hawaii. (1992).
  19. Erwin, J.E.  1992.  Thermomorphogenesis.  Scandinavian Horticulture Society Conference on Thermomorphogenesis. Aas, Norway.
  20. Erwin, J.E. 1991.  Control plant growth using temperature.  Proc. Amer. Hydroponics. Soc., 1-6.
  21. Berghage, R.d., J.A. Flore, R.D. Heins, and J.E. Erwin.  1989.  The relationship between day and night temperature influences photosynthesis but not light compensation point or flower longevity of Easter lily, Lilium longiflorum Thunb., ISHS Symposium on Bedding and Pot Plant Culture, 272:91-96.
  22. Berghage, R.D., R.D. Heins, and J.E. Erwin.  1989.  Quantifying leaf unfolding in the poinsettia. ISHS Symposium on Bedding and Pot Plant Culture.  Acta Horticulturae. 272:243-248.
  23. Erwin, J., R. Heins, R. Berghage, and B. Kovanda.  1989.  Temperature effects Schlumbergera truncata ‘Madisto’ flower initiation.  ISHS Symposium on Bedding and Pot Plant Culture 272 Acta Horticulturae. 272:97-102.
  24. Erwin, J., R. Heins, R. Bergahge, and B. Kovanda.  1989.  Thermomorphogenic and photoperiodic responses of Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Dallas Jewel’. Symposium on Bedding and Pot Plant Culture.  Acta Horticulturae. 272:249-254.
  25. Heins, R.D., M.G. Karlsson, J.E. Erwin, M.K. Hausbeck, and S.H. Miller.  1984.  Interaction of CO2 and environmental factors on crop responses.  International Society of Horticultural Sciences Symposium on CO2Enrichment.  Acta Horticulturae, 162:21-28.