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Dr. David N. Myers

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Plant Science & Landscape Architecture 2102 Plant Sciences Building 4291 Fieldhouse Drive College Park, Maryland 20742


  • Landscape Architecture


I am interested in issues related to the application of landscape ecological principles to the built environment, particularly in suburban residential and the everyday landscapes. I am also interested in green infrastructure, compliance in forest easements, greenway planning and envisioning, and conservation design and planning.  My teaching focuses on green infrastructure, GIS and greenway design and planning, landscape ethics and environmental and watershed planning.  I have recently also been teaching construction and materials. I have taught at the University of Maryland since 1999 where I am currently Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture. I previously served as Director of University of Maryland Landscape Architecture and MLA Program Chair from 2012 to 2017 and nine years as Director, Digital Studio.  I have an interdisciplinary background with education and experience in landscape architecture, plant science, and biogeography with sustainable design and planning as the central focus of my research, teaching and practice.  I have received funding from Chesapeake Bay Trust, National Park Service, National Capitol Park and Planning Commission: Montgomery County and Prince George’s County and the Maryland Department of Environment. My service has been focused on ASLA, MDASLA and the University of Maryland. 



  • Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)

    • Member, 1997-present

  • American Society of Landscape Architecture

    • National

      • 2009-2012: Chair, Council of Education (COE)

      • 2008-2012: Member, Council of Education (COE)

      • 2007-2008: Chair, Membership Committee

      • 2006-2008: Member, Membership Committee

    • Maryland Chapter ASLA

      • 1999-present: Member

      • 2005-2008: Elected President (Elect/Present/Past)

      • 2003-2009: Coordinator, MDASLA Landscape Architecture Review Exam   

      • 2002-2005: Treasurer

      • 2002-2005: Member, Education Committee

      • 2002: Instructor, MDASLA Landscape Architecture Review Exam

    • Prairie Gateway Chapter

      • 1997 – 1999: Member

    • Georgia Chapter ASLA

      • 1994-1997: Member

      • 1995-1997: Chair, Northeast Section, Georgia Chapter ASLA.

      • 1991-1994: Instructor for Physical and Social Science Section for GA Landscape Architecture Review Exam 

  • University of Maryland

    • 2011-2015: Member, Programs, Curricula, and Courses Senate Committee

    • 2007-2010: Member, Elections, Representation, and Governance Senate Committee

    • 2002-2005: Faculty Senator, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University Senate

Professional Work

Professional Positions Held: 


Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park


Director of University of Maryland Landscape ArchitectureDepartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park


MLA Program Chair,  Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park


BLA Coordinator, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park


 Professional Licenses: 

Licensed Landscape Architect Maryland (Reg# 3326)

Professional Service: 

Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

American Society of Landscape Architects



Areas of Interest:

  • Green Infrastructure

  • Ecological Design

  • Greenway Design and Planning

  • Residential Environments

  • Conservation Design and Planning

Selected Presentations:

Myers, David N. “Design Principles to Reduce Stormwater Runoff from residential Lawns” Reducing Lawn Fertilizer Use and Stormwater Runoff Workshop University of Maryland September 17th, 2014.

Myers, David N. “Designing with Permeable Pavers” Montgomery College Permeable Pavement Course January 15, 2014.

Myers, David N. and Anne Roane. “Cambridge Greenbelt Greenway 2050. Envisioning Conservation, Economic, and Recreational Benefits” 14th Eastern Shore Planning Conference, Unsinkable Eastern Shore Conference, Easton, MD. October 3, 2013

Myers, David N. “Healthy By Design: Innovative Approaches To Creating Communities That Promote Healthier Lifestyles for the Citizens and the Environment” Local Planning for a Rebounding Economy: Southern Maryland Local Government Exchange, California, MD. June 7, 2013.

Myers, David N. “A Scale Approach to Green Infrastructure: Principles, Policies, and Practices in the State of Maryland, USA”.  Green Infrastructure: from Global to Local Conference. Uppsala University, Sweden.  June 15th, 2012.

Myers, David N. “Lawns, Landscapes and Identity: Current Practices and Adoption of New Stormwater Techniques.” Turning a New Leaf Conference. Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council.George Washington University, Washington DC. December 4, 2009.


Courses Taught: 

LARC 321 Landscape Structures and Materials
LARC 452 Green Infrastructure and Community Greening
LARC 152 Greening Cities: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Who Cares?
LARC 321  Landscape Structures and Materials
LARC 452 Green Infrastructure and Community Greening
PLSC 289I (LARC 152) Greening Cities: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Who Cares?
LARC 321  Landscape Structures and Materials
LARC 452 Green Infrastructure and Community Greening
PLSC 289I  Greening Cities: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Who Cares?


Selected Publications: 

Refereed Papers

Myers, David N. 2016. The Redevelopment and Restoration of Selected Trail BMP Features to Provide Environmental, Educational, and Aesthetic Benefits in Jombach, S., Valánszki, I., FilepKovács, K., Fábos, J. Gy., Ryan, R. L., Lindhult, M. S., Kollányi, L. (Eds.) 2016: Landscapes and Greenways of Resilience – Proceedings of 5th Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning Budapest, 01 July ,2016)

Cui, M., Kweon, B., & Myers, D. N. 2013. Improve university campus road system with complete streets principles: The case of University of Maryland. Landscape Research Record, 366-377.

Myers, David. 2013. Green Infrastructure, Greenways, and Trail Planning: Frameworks for Sustainably in Maryland in Fábos, J.G., Lindhult, M., Ryan, R.L., & Jacknin, M. (Eds). 2013. Proceedings of Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2013: Pathways to Sustainability. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 12-13, 2013.

Livingston, M. and D. Myers. 2011. Contributions of Watercourse-Associated Greenways to Green Infrastructure. .In publication online translated in is external)by  Jan 26, 2011, Captured 1/31/2011

Refereed Conference Abstracts

Cui, M., Kweon, B., & Myers, D. N. 2013. Share the road – A tool kit for university campus complete streets: The case of the University of Maryland [Abstract]. CELA: Space/Time, Place/Duration, 336.

Livingston, Margaret and David Myers. 2013. “Shoehorning Native Plants into Urban and Exurban Environments.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference Abstracts.

Li, Wenjie and David Myers. 2013. “Networking School Green Roofs to Achieve Storm Water Benefits: Brier’s Mill Run Watershed Case Study.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference Abstracts.

David Myers. 2012. “A Scale Approach to Green Infrastructure: Principles, Policies, and Practices in the State of Maryland, USA”. In Green Infrastructure: from global to local: Conference proceedings, Ed: Ignatieva, M. Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Polytechnic University Publishing p.98. House ISBN: 978-5-7422-3540-8.

Li, Wenjie and David Myers. 2012. “The contribution of greenroofs to green infrastructure: two case studies in Washington CD, USA”. In Green Infrastructure: from global to local: Conference proceedings, Ed: Ignatieva, M. Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Polytechnic University Publishing p.85-86. House ISBN: 978-5-7422-3540-8.

Allison, Jenson, Byoung-Suk Kweon, and David Myers. 2012. “Green and Blue Schools”. In Finding Center: Landscape and Values. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference Abstracts. ed. Ellis, C. p.230.ISBN: 978-0-9853013-0-9


Myers, David. 2008.  Global Climate Change in Maryland: Loss at the Margins of Place. Places: Climate Change and Place.  20(2) 46-49.

Myers, David N., Margarita Hill, and Stacy Anne Harwood. 2005. Cross Cultural Learning and Study Abroad: Transforming Pedagogical Outcomes. Landscape Journal. 24(2): 172-184.

Myers, David and Margaret Livingston. 2004. Examining Vegetation of Built Landscapes and Their Relationship to Existing Ecosystems. Landscape Review. 9(1): 171-175.

Myers, David N. 2004. Local decisions – global consequences: Determinates of lawn cover and quality and implications for resource use. Landscape Review. 9(1): 176-179.