At the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (AGNR), we support the university’s TerrapinSTRONG mission by working to create an environment where every member of our community feels that they matter and are empowered to reach their full potential. As a college, we are most successful when we work together, when we consider all perspectives, and when we ensure that every individual is seen and heard.
We encourage you to celebrate the aspects of your unique identity and livelihood that make you an important part of our community. Understanding different perspectives and cultures elevates our work as students, educators and administrators, and brings new excitement and prominence to our 3-pronged mission areas of research, academics, and Extension. Collectively, we can work together to lead our college to greater heights as a diverse, equitable, inclusive and respectful academic community. -Dean Craig Beyrouty
AGNR is TerrapinSTRONG

To further strengthen our commitment to the university's TerrapinSTRONG initiative, we have developed a strategic plan for the entire AGNR community, to reaffirm our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect. This plan unites us all with a common goal of the embodiment of AGNR values. It includes significant efforts around recruitment, retention, and professional development to foster a college environment that is inclusive and respectful for all.