
Research Incentives Process


Guidelines and Forms

This page contains the documents needed to reimburse research participants (typically those completing a survey).  There are four primary reimbursement options:

  1. Obtain a Working Fund Check:  Preferred method for off-campus faculty.  Working Fund Office issues Working Fund check to PI, who then cashes and converts to gift cards/cash for the research participants.  Cannot be used for tangible items.
  2. Obtain Cash:  Similar to Option 1.  PI receives cash from Bursar's Office to purchase gift cards or distribute to survey participants.  Maximum amount is $5,000. 
  3. Issue Check Directly to Participants: Best when distributing larger sums of money to individual participants.  Payment processed through Accounts Payable. 
  4. Awarding a Tangible Item:  Best option for those surveys offering a single item that one of the many respondents will receive. (e.g. electronic device) This option follows Procurement procedures.

Download the Guidelines document (first in list below), select your Option, and follow the instructions.

PDF icon GUIDELINES for Research Participants Payment: Contains instructions for all options.

PDF icon RPP Checklist: Essential for processing all survey incentive reimbursements.

PDF icon Disbursement Log: For Options 1 & 2: When distributing Cash or Gift Cards. All participants must sign.

PDF icon Departmental Special Use MoU: For option 1, Obtaining a Check.

PDF icon Budget Amendment Training Manual: Describes a critical aspect of the Reconciliation process.

Document Icon Funds Disbursement Memo: For Option 3, to issue a check to survey participant.

Document Icon Tangible Item Notification: For Option 4, tangible item: Preliminary Notification.

Document Icon Tangible Item Memo of Receipt: For Option 4, tangible item: By which Recipient of tangible item confirms receipt.