When paying for their education, students can seek two primary forms of assistance - Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Generally speaking, scholarships are awards distributed or "won" by students on the basis of merit or need and do not require any repayment, while financial aid is a term that encompasses a variety of types of aid (grants, loans, work study) that students can receive based on need -- some, like loans, may require repayment. For more information on the types of aid available at UMD, visit this helpful website.
Students enrolled in degree and non-degree (IAA) certificate programs in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources may be eligible for federal or state financial aid. Financial Aid at the University of Maryland is managed through the Office of Student Financial Aid and is dependent on the submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Maryland State Financial Aid Application (MSFAA - only for children of undocumented immigrants).
In addition to the Financial Aid resources and information below, be sure to check out AGNR's Scholarships Page.
Students experiencing financial difficulty or crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic may apply for emergency financial assistance through the UMD Student Crisis Fund.
Current students can also apply for the UMD Emergency Financial Aid Grant funding through the Office of Student Financial Aid.
The Catherine M. Brinkley Fund
The Catherine M. Brinkley fund provides interest-free loans to students who are natives or residents of Maryland pursuing majors in the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. Students may download the application. The Office of Financial Aid determines eligibility and award distribution and you must have submitted the FAFSA.
Please submit your application by July 31st to ensure that you receive your financial aid package before Fall classes begin. Applications received by that deadline will have decisions sent in early August. Applications are no longer reviewed on a rolling basis so if you have questions about the deadline or notification timelines, please contact April Brohawn at abrohawn@umd.edu.
Completed forms can be emailed to abrohawn@umd.edu. At this time all applications need to be submitted electronically.
Loan terms are:
Amount is not to exceed the limit on financial need determined by your FAFSA application.
Repayment begins 9 months after ceasing to be at least a half-time student at the University of Maryland and ending 10 years later.
Monthly payments for the first two years of repayment will be $25.
The remaining payments will be fully amortized over the final eight years.
If the loan is not paid in full by 10 years, a 5% annual finance charge will be assessed on the unpaid balance.
Revenue from loan repayments will be returned to this fund to assist other students in achieving their academic goals.
The University of Maryland Office of Student Financial Aid assists all students in obtaining need-based aid.
Account access and billing and payment
Admitted students can access their financial accounts and direct questions about billing and payment options to the University’s Student Financial Services and Cashiering.
Apply for need-based aid
Completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form each year is the first step toward applying for need-based aid. Please view the UMD FAFSA FAQ page on the Office of Student Financial Aid website for more information including priority deadlines.
Explore state-based aid options
Some state-based aid requires that students file supplemental paperwork in addition to the FAFSA. Please visit Maryland Higher Education Commission to explore state-based aid options.

The College of Agriculture & Natural Resources also has a number of scholarships specifically for its majors that can supplement financial aid. For specific information on scholarships offered and eligibility requirements, please visit the college’s scholarship section.