The ACE Virtual Center is an online resource designed to help prepare the next generation for careers in agriculture.
Explore the resources provided below to understand the importance of agricultural systems across Maryland. Learn more about the STEM related opportunities offered to help youth become more involved in experiential learning activities surrounding agricultural careers.
Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program
Maryland 4-H focuses on several interesting program areas that can each tie into careers in agriculture and related fields; they include: animal sciences, engineering and technology, environmental sciences, healthy living, and youth civic engagement and leadership.
More information about 4-H Agriculture and STEM programs and why youth should get involved can be found on the National 4-H website.
The Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program provides a supportive and inclusive setting for all youth to reach their fullest potential in a diverse society. Youth learn beneficial and cognitive life skills through community focused, research-based experiential education programs."
MD 4-H Mission Statement
Why Should Youth Get Involved?
"It is important for both children and adults to be knowledgeable about agriculture for making informed decisions as consumers, citizens, voters, and leaders." - Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation
Why should youth participate in 4-H programs?
Beginning in 2002, 4-H and Tufts University began a research study on positive youth development in 4-H. After eight years of research, their final report demonstrated that 4-H youth participants excel in community contributions and civic engagement, academic achievement, and healthy living.
The study also showed that 4-H's specific hand-on activities help kids develop an interest for STEM related careers and leadership.
How Can Youth Get Involved?
University of Maryland Extension (UME): the University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development team works to help Maryland youth become more involved in agriculture through 4-H programs such as 4H club and 4-H project engagement, AGsploration, and Kids Growing with Grains.
- 4-H Membership, Clubs, and Project Work: Learn more about how to join Maryland 4-H by visiting the Maryland 4-H website. Contact your local Extension office to find out about 4-H groups and opportunities near you.
- Career AGsperience Program: NEW Virtual opportunity for Fall 2020. Unlock the mysteries and learn the untold secrets of preparing for a successful career. Youth ages 13 - 18 years old will explore: career planning, resume development, internship acquisition, interviewing skills, and business etiquette. Program events will take place every Wednesday from 6:30 - 7:45 pm, October 14th - November 18th. Register by October 9th using this google form.
- AGsploration: A curriculum for middle school students to help improve agriculture literacy and STEM skills. Learn the rationale behind why agriculture literacy is important for the success of communities.
- Kids Growing with Grains: An all-day field trip at the Western Maryland Research Education Center in Washington County to learn about grain production, consumption, and nutritional benefits.
- FFA strives to prepare the younger generation for leadership positions and career opportunities in the science, business, and technology fields of agriculture.
- Learn more about the chapters in the Maryland FFA. The Maryland FFA aims to provide students opportunities in leadership development, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. 50 chapters make up the MD FFA.
Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation's (MAEF) Ag Literacy:
- Goal: “This Ag in the Classroom program seeks to instill in Maryland students the importance of agriculture in their daily lives.”
- The Ag Literacy book for 2020 is “PB&J Hooray!” which helps students learn how ingredients make it from the plant to their plates.
- MAEF's Annual Calendar Contest: Calling all K-12 artists. Every year the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation holds a calendar contest "to create a positive learning experience about agriculture in Maryland that furthers the understanding of agriculture's impact on our daily lives".
- Parents and Educators: Check out MAEF's Agtivities Resource Document, which contains an ongoing set of lessons and activities themed around various topics related to agriculture.
- The Maryland State Fair is affectionately called the "11 Best Days of Summer". It is held annually from the end of August through Labor Day. The State Fair provides a great opportunity to get outside and learn more about agriculture in the state of Maryland. The State Fair provides a venue for 4-H and FFA participants to display their project work and demonstrate what they have learned to their family, friends, and the public.
- 4-H's annual initiative to get children more involved in hands-on STEM activities. The 2020 challenge is called, "Mars Base Camp" and is intended to teach children ages 8-14 skills in mechanical engineering, agriculture, physics, and computer science. Explore past STEM challenges.
4-H Youth Summit on Agri-Science:
- This summit was created for high school students to learn from experts in the agricultural community. Specifically, participants advance their knowledge of agriculture, food security, and sustainability challenges. The summit takes place each January at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, MD.
Interactive Resources
- Play My Little AG Me to test your knowledge and learn more about agriculture career options. My American Farm has created several games to help kids learn more about different STEM areas. "My Little AG Me" was created for children to step into the world of agriculture careers.
- Watch these short videos to learn about 40 different careers in the agriculture field. Made by Utah State University Extension learn about jobs that range from an Algae Farmer, to an Environmental Science Technician, to a GIS specialist, and more.
- Take a virtual tour of 11 different types of farms using FarmFood 360. This website offers a range of virtual tours from apple orchard to sheep farm.
- 4-H STEM Lab provides fun STEM activities for children to complete at home. All of the activities are hands-on, include a learning component, and the instructions are free.
- Check out NASA's Climate Kids website which answers kid's questions regarding climate change. It also provides information on topics such as weather & climate, atmosphere, water, energy, plants, and animals.
- Want to learn more about Earth Science? They EveryDay Earth Corps team has created an interactive Earth Science website for kids. Designed for students in 4th-6th grade.
- SwitchZoo offers fun interactive games involving animal puzzles, building biomes, animal facts, and more.
Career Readiness: Tips and Advice
ACE Webinar Series:
- Watch this virtual workshop focused on Students K-12: Agriculture Careers Exploration Through 4-H, presented by Chris Anderson, 4-H Young Development Specialist and Sheryl Bennett, 4-H Youth Development Educator. As you watch, follow along the the workshop's powerpoint slides.
- Webinar description: Students K-12 may explore Agriculture Careers through involvement in a variety of 4-H activities. This session explains how 4-H helps Maryland youth become more involved in agriculture and explore careers through activities such as 4-H club and 4-H project engagement; specialized curriculum like AGsploration, AGsperience, Healthy Animals | Healthy YOUth, and Kids Growing with Grains; skills building events and experiences at the local, state, national, and international levels; and more.
- Resource Recommendation: Check out the "Career Connections" Series on the AGsploration Youtube Channel to learn more about agriculture career exploration.
UMD Extension Advice:
- Preparing 4-Hers for Interview Success provides tips for 4-Hers who are getting ready for their first interview or a 4-H teen leadership position.
Test your agriculture knowledge:
- Take one of Ag Smart's beginning, intermediate, or advanced knowledge tests.
Next Steps
To learn more about and how to join Maryland 4-H visit the Maryland 4-H website. Contact your local Extension office to find out about 4-H groups and opportunities near you.
Loved your time in 4-H? Want to help the next generation get more involved in agriculture and STEM? Consider applying for a National 4-H Council Internship.
Want to purchase 4-H curricula? Check out the National 4-H website for parents and educators containing science, healthy living, and civic engagement curricula.
Contact us:
Resources by Age
All Ages
- Clubs and Organizations
- University of Maryland Extension (UME): the University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development team works to help Maryland youth become more involved in agriculture through 4-H programs such as 4H club and 4-H project engagement, AGsploration, and Kids Growing with Grains.
- 4-H Membership, Clubs, and Project Work: Learn more about how to join Maryland 4-H by visiting the Maryland 4-H website. Contact your local Extension office to find out about 4-H groups and opportunities near you.
- Kids Growing with Grains: An all-day field trip at the Western Maryland Research Education Center in Washington County to learn about grain production, consumption, and nutritional benefits.
- University of Maryland Extension (UME): the University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development team works to help Maryland youth become more involved in agriculture through 4-H programs such as 4H club and 4-H project engagement, AGsploration, and Kids Growing with Grains.
- Get Involved
- Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation's (MAEF) Ag Literacy:
- Goal: “This Ag in the Classroom program seeks to instill in Maryland students the importance of agriculture in their daily lives.”
- The Ag Literacy book for 2020 is “PB&J Hooray!” which helps students learn how ingredients make it from the plant to their plates.
- MAEF's Annual Calendar Contest: Calling all K-12 artists. Every year the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation holds a calendar contest "to create a positive learning experience about agriculture in Maryland that furthers the understanding of agriculture's impact on our daily lives".
- Parents and Educators: Check out MAEF's Agtivities Resource Document, which contains an ongoing set of lessons and activities themed around various topics related to agriculture.
- Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation's (MAEF) Ag Literacy:
- Maryland State Fair:
- The Maryland State Fair is affectionately called the "11 Best Days of Summer". It is held annually from the end of August through Labor Day. The State Fair provides a great opportunity to get outside and learn more about agriculture in the state of Maryland. The State Fair provides a venue for 4-H and FFA participants to display their project work and demonstrate what they have learned to their family, friends, and the public.
Elementary School (K-5th)
- Clubs and Organizations
- Get Involved
- 4-H STEM Challenge:
- 4-H's annual initiative to get children more involved in hands-on STEM activities. The 2020 challenge is called, "Mars Base Camp" and is intended to teach children ages 8-14 skills in mechanical engineering, agriculture, physics, and computer science. Explore past STEM challenges.
- 4-H STEM Challenge:
- Interactive Resources
- Play My Little AG Me to test your knowledge and learn more about agriculture career options. My American Farm has created several games to help kids learn more about different STEM areas. "My Little AG Me" was created for children to step into the world of agriculture careers.
- Want to learn more about Earth Science? They EveryDay Earth Corps team has created an interactive Earth Science website for kids. Designed for students in 4th-6th grade.
- Check out NASA's Climate Kids website which answers kid's questions regarding climate change. It also provides information on topics such as weather & climate, atmosphere, water, energy, plants, and animals.
- SwitchZoo offers fun interactive games involving animal puzzles, building biomes, animal facts, and more.
Middle School (6th-8th)
- Clubs and Organizations
- Get Involved
- Career AGsperience Program: NEW Virtual opportunity for Fall 2020. Unlock the mysteries and learn the untold secrets of preparing for a successful career. Youth ages 13 - 18 years old will explore: career planning, resume development, internship acquisition, interviewing skills, and business etiquette. Program events will take place every Wednesday from 6:30 - 7:45 pm, October 14th - November 18th. Register by October 9th using this google form.
- AGsploration: A curriculum for middle school students to help improve agriculture literacy and STEM skills. Learn the rationale behind why agriculture literacy is important for the success of communities.
- 4-H STEM Challenge:
- 4-H's annual initiative to get children more involved in hands-on STEM activities. The 2020 challenge is called, "Mars Base Camp" and is intended to teach children ages 8-14 skills in mechanical engineering, agriculture, physics, and computer science. Explore past STEM challenges.
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Maryland Food Bank: Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a chaperone who is at least 21 years old. The minor and chaperone must register individually to volunteer.
- Interactive Resources
- Want to learn more about Earth Science? They EveryDay Earth Corps team has created an interactive Earth Science website for kids. Designed for students in 4th-6th grade.
- SwitchZoo offers fun interactive games involving animal puzzles, building biomes, animal facts, and more.
- Watch these short videos to learn about 40 different careers in the agriculture field. Made by Utah State University Extension learn about jobs that range from an Algae Farmer, to an Environmental Science Technician, to a GIS specialist, and more.
- Take a virtual tour of 11 different types of farms using FarmFood 360. This website offers a range of virtual tours from apple orchard to sheep farm.
High School (9th-12th)
- Clubs and Organizations
- National FFA:
- FFA strives to prepare the younger generation for leadership positions and career opportunities in the science, business, and technology fields of agriculture.
- Learn more about the chapters in the Maryland FFA. The Maryland FFA aims to provide students opportunities in leadership development, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. 50 chapters make up the MD FFA.
- National FFA:
- Get Involved
- Career AGsperience Program: NEW Virtual opportunity for Fall 2020. Unlock the mysteries and learn the untold secrets of preparing for a successful career. Youth ages 13 - 18 years old will explore: career planning, resume development, internship acquisition, interviewing skills, and business etiquette. Program events will take place every Wednesday from 6:30 - 7:45 pm, October 14th - November 18th. Register by October 9th using this google form.
- 4-H Youth Summit on Agri-Science:
- This summit was created for high school students to learn from experts in the agricultural community. Specifically, participants advance their knowledge of agriculture, food security, and sustainability challenges. The summit takes place each January at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, MD.
- Internship Opportunities (Paid & Unpaid)
- The Pathways Internship Program provides year-round paid work experiences for current degree-seeking high-school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Interns may work during the summer, fall, spring or year-round and are eligible for non-competitive conversion upon program completion.
- Volunteer Opportunities
- NRCS Earth Team Volunteer: People volunteer with the Earth Team for a lot of reasons, but all Earth Team Volunteers have one thing in common: they want to help protect the natural resources in their communities.
- Maryland Department of the Environment: Volunteer opportunities across the state organized by county.
- Maryland Food Bank: Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a chaperone who is at least 21 years old. The minor and chaperone must register individually to volunteer.
- Career Readiness: Tips and Advice
- ACE Webinar Series:
- Watch this virtual workshop focused on Students K-12: Agriculture Careers Exploration Through 4-H, presented by Chris Anderson, 4-H Young Development Specialist and Sheryl Bennett, 4-H Youth Development Educator. As you watch, follow along the the workshop's powerpoint slides.
- Webinar description: Students K-12 may explore Agriculture Careers through involvement in a variety of 4-H activities. This session explains how 4-H helps Maryland youth become more involved in agriculture and explore careers through activities such as 4-H club and 4-H project engagement; specialized curriculum like AGsploration, AGsperience, Healthy Animals | Healthy YOUth, and Kids Growing with Grains; skills building events and experiences at the local, state, national, and international levels; and more.
- Resource Recommendation: Check out the "Career Connections" Series on the AGsploration Youtube Channel to learn more about agriculture career exploration.
- UMD Extension Advice:
- Preparing 4-Hers for Interview Success provides tips for 4-Hers who are getting ready for their first interview or a 4-H teen leadership position.
- Test your agriculture knowledge:
- Take one of Ag Smart's beginning, intermediate, or advanced knowledge tests.
- ACE Webinar Series:
- Interactive Resources
- Watch these short videos to learn about 40 different careers in the agriculture field. Made by Utah State University Extension learn about jobs that range from an Algae Farmer, to an Environmental Science Technician, to a GIS specialist, and more.
- Take a virtual tour of 11 different types of farms using FarmFood 360. This website offers a range of virtual tours from apple orchard to sheep farm.
Upcoming Events
The University of Maryland Extension-4-H is going to offer the Career AGsperience program this winter. The virtual sessions will be held weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:45 PM starting on January 24th and running until February 28th and the in-person session will be offered on Saturday, February 25th from 9:30 AM-3:30 PM at the Howard County Fairgrounds, West Friendship.
The Career AGsperience program is open to any youth ages 13-18 years old and the deadline for registering is January 10th for the virtual sessions and February 10th for the in-person session. The link for registering is:

Fact Sheet: The Importance of Agricultural Systems in MD
Agriculture is a large part of Maryland's economy and many industries have a connection to both agriculture and the environment in MD. This infographic breaks down some of the ways agriculture has an impact on Maryland's economy as a whole.
Maryland 4-H Agricultural Highlights
Learn about how Maryland 4-H is increasing youth awareness about agriculture.
Experiential Learning Highlights
Special Look at the MD 4-H Congress
2019 Maryland 4-H Congress provides leadership and networking opportunities to MD youth.
Interested? More information on this year's Maryland 4-H Congress can be found on the MD 4-H website.