
Nutrition and Food Science (NFSC)

Welcome Back Bash graphic
Free Event

Welcome Back Bash

Thursday, Sep 19
  • 4:00 PM
Free Event

You're invited to the annual College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Welcome Back Bash on Thursday, September 19th from 4-6 pm in the ANSC Courtyard.

Join your fellow AGNR Terps at this celebration and connect with student organizations, AGNR academic departments, faculty, staff, and administrators for FREE FOOD, FUN, PRIZES, GIVEAWAYS, and so much more. 

All AGNR students are welcome to join us and strongly encouraged to show your AGNR Spirit by wearing the color of your department listed below: 

  • AREC - Orange
  • ANSC - Red
  • ENSP - Purple
  • ENST - Blue
  • IAA - White/Gray
  • NFSC - Yellow
  • PSLA - Green
  • Vet Med - Black

All others, come in your favorite UMD gear! 

Bring your student ID and be sure to check in at our welcome table to be eligible for raffle prizes. 

Promotional image for Navigating USAJobs event
About the Organizer
Casey Miller

Navigating USAJobs with the EPA

  • Friday, October 18 - Friday, October 18
About the Organizer
Casey Miller

Come learn tips and tricks for navigating USAJobs, the federal government's exclusive job board. The Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, who manages much of the hiring for the US Environmental Protection Agency.

MomentUMD Live with Lisa Munoz graphic
Register Now
Free Event

MomentUMD Live with Lisa Munoz

  • Tuesday, October 29 - Tuesday, October 29
Free Event

Join Dean Beyrouty for a discussion and Q&A with Lisa Munoz, Founder and President of SciComm Services, science content strategist and author of Women in Science Now.

Image about the SALT conference
Register Now
$ $100-175
About the Organizer
University of Maryland Agroecology Lab

Salinity-Affected Lands in Transition (SALT) Conference

  • Tuesday, June 11 - Wednesday, June 12
$ $100-175
About the Organizer
University of Maryland Agroecology Lab

Saltwater intrusion represents one of the foremost challenges related to climate change facing farmers in coastal communities in the Mid-Atlantic region. SALT, a two-day conference focused on saltwater intrusion and sea level rise in coastal agroecosystems, will be held June 11 and 12, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Md., and hopes to address what is happening in academics and on the ground to face it.

SALT stands for “Salinity-Affected Lands in Transition.” The conference will feature expert speakers discussing saltwater intrusion and sea level rise, case studies of areas across the country and hemisphere, environmental justice, coastal farming, ghost forests, adaptation solutions and mitigation strategies.

“The SALT Conference will bring together practitioners, policy-makers, and scientists to discuss issues related to sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion across the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. I am excited to share some of our lessons learned from projects in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia (funded by USDA-NIFA, NFWF, and the NSF) and learn from others who are facing similar challenges across the U.S. and the world,” said Dr. Kate Tully, a University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources researcher investigating saltwater intrusion on the Delmarva Peninsula. “The SALT conference will provide a platform for information sharing, partnership building, and networking. I'm hoping for a great turnout.”

This conference highlights research being conducted by the University of Maryland (UMD) Agroecology Lab, the University of Delaware (UD) and George Washington University (GWU) on the Delmarva Peninsula, which comprises the coastal areas of Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. The partners have been researching the extent and economic impact of saltwater intrusion in the region and developing potential mitigation strategies for land affected by saltwater intrusion. The Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology has been partnering with researchers from these institutions on outreach and stakeholder engagement for the project.

This research and conference are supported by grants from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and the National Science Foundation. People can register for the conference online at Registration is open until June 3, 2024.

This conference is complemented by a podcast series called Delmarva’s Invisible Flood. The three-episode series features conversations with the researchers at UMD, UD and GWU who are working on the ground to test and implement mitigation strategies, map saltwater intrusion’s extent, and deduce its impact on society. The podcast series can be found at

Graduation photo: Testudo on McKeldin Mall
SECU Stadium

UMD Commencement

  • Monday, May 20 - Monday, May 20
SECU Stadium

The University of Maryland will hold the 2024 main commencement ceremony on Monday, May 20, 2024, in SECU Stadium. The student processional will begin at 6 p.m.

Eat, Drink & be Maryland Flyer

UMD Alumni Ticket: $40.00
Purchase this ticket if you attended the University of Maryland for your certificate, undergrad or graduate degree.

Non-Alumni & Friends: $45.00
Purchase this ticket if you did not attend UMD and are 18 and above.

Future Terp-Youth 6-17 years old $20.00
Youth are welcome to join us for an evening on the farm. Ages 6-17 are $20. 5 & under are free.

Register Now

Eat, Drink & be Maryland

  • Thursday, May 30 - Thursday, May 30

UMD Alumni Ticket: $40.00
Purchase this ticket if you attended the University of Maryland for your certificate, undergrad or graduate degree.

Non-Alumni & Friends: $45.00
Purchase this ticket if you did not attend UMD and are 18 and above.

Future Terp-Youth 6-17 years old $20.00
Youth are welcome to join us for an evening on the farm. Ages 6-17 are $20. 5 & under are free.

Register Now

Join the University of Maryland College of Agriculture & Natural Resources and the AGNR Alumni Network for a night on the farm! 

Held on the Central Maryland Research and Education Center - Clarksville Facility, this casual farm to table event will include a picnic dinner, wagon tour and showcase of the research and education happening at the facility. Connect with faculty, staff, alums and family, enjoy a delicious meal and support AGNR student clubs at the silent auction. 

AGNR Graduation Celebration 2024 Flyer
Symons Hall

AGNR Graduation Celebration 2024

  • Thursday, May 02 - Tuesday, May 07
  • Thursday, May 02 - Thursday, May 02
  • Friday, May 03 - Friday, May 03
  • Monday, May 06 - Monday, May 06
  • Tuesday, May 07 - Tuesday, May 07
Symons Hall

Our AGNR Graduation Celebration is just around the corner! Don't forget to stop by Symons Hall (Rm 0107) to pick up your AGNR ceremony tickets, enjoy some snacks, take part in our photo/video booth, snap a cap & gown photo, and pick up your gift from the AGNR Alumni Network.

Graduate at Maryland 'M'

The College of AGNR is proud to offer a fully live-streamed ceremony for guests who cannot attend in-person. The stream will be hosted on the AGNR YouTube Channel -- no account or login required. 

Reckord Armory, Gymnasium

College of Agriculture & Natural Resources' Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony

  • Tuesday, May 21 - Tuesday, May 21
Reckord Armory, Gymnasium

College of Agriculture & Natural Resources' Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony. The commencement ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Anne Arundel County Extension 2024 Open House
Free Event
97 Dairy Lane,Gambrills,MD,US,21054
About the Organizer
Christie Germuth
Phone: 301 226-7470

Anne Arundel County Extension 2024 Open House

  • Friday, August 23 - Friday, August 23
Free Event
97 Dairy Lane,Gambrills,MD,US,21054
About the Organizer
Christie Germuth
Phone: 301 226-7470

The Anne Arundel County Extension Office will be hosting their 2024 Open House on August 23, 2024. This is a free family event where you can meet the Extension Educators, tour the Demonstration Garden, visit the Urban Farm, and much more.

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