
Optimize Urban Environments

Parking Day 2023
7645 Preinkert Drive, right by Queen Anne's Hall, ArtSoc Building & Tawes Plaza

Park(ing) Day

Friday, Sep 20
  • 10:00 AM
7645 Preinkert Drive, right by Queen Anne's Hall, ArtSoc Building & Tawes Plaza

This year, Maryland Student ASLA is joining Park(ing) Day, an international event promoting parking reform. Our theme, Native Plants, features the Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) to showcase using Local Blooms to create Urban Rooms. Stop by for cookies, dried Rudbeckia, and other goodies!

Park(ing) Day is an annual global event that transforms parking spaces into public parks and social spaces. The event takes place on the third Friday of September and is a way to advocate for safer, greener, and more equitable streets.

MomentUMD Live with Lisa Munoz graphic
Register Now
Free Event

MomentUMD Live with Lisa Munoz

  • Tuesday, October 29 - Tuesday, October 29
Free Event

Join Dean Beyrouty for a discussion and Q&A with Lisa Munoz, Founder and President of SciComm Services, science content strategist and author of Women in Science Now.

Promo flyer for the Composting Workshops to be held on September 7
Free Event
90 Post Office Road,Waldorf,MD,US,20602
About the Organizer

Charles County Environmental Resources

Keith Roumfort
Phone: 301-932-3591

Composting Workshop

  • Saturday, September 07 - Saturday, September 07
Free Event
90 Post Office Road,Waldorf,MD,US,20602
About the Organizer

Charles County Environmental Resources

Keith Roumfort
Phone: 301-932-3591

Establishing a composting system at your house is a practical and economical way to handle your yard waste and many kitchen scraps. In Charles County, 20 percent of household waste is organic, compostable material that can be kept from the landfill. Compost improves the quality of soil in your planter boxes, garden, around trees, and your lawn — if you have these... you have a use for compost. Pre-registration required by August 24.


To register without buying a rain barrel, contact Keith Roumfort at

To register and purchase rain barrels by August 24, go to Choose "Maryland" under State and "Charles County" under City, Town, or Organization. Charles County is subsidizing $50 off each rain barrel. Limit of two barrels per Charles County household, while supplies last. To receive the discount, please use Promo Code Char624 when checking out.

Rain Barrels cost for Charles County Residents are as follows:

Painted - $49
Unpainted - $45

Register Now
Free Event
90 Post Office Road,Waldorf,MD,US,20602
About the Organizer

Charles County Environmental Resources

Keith Roumfort
Phone: 301-932-3591

Rain Barrel Workshop

  • Saturday, September 07 - Saturday, September 07
  • Saturday, September 07 - Saturday, September 07

To register without buying a rain barrel, contact Keith Roumfort at

To register and purchase rain barrels by August 24, go to Choose "Maryland" under State and "Charles County" under City, Town, or Organization. Charles County is subsidizing $50 off each rain barrel. Limit of two barrels per Charles County household, while supplies last. To receive the discount, please use Promo Code Char624 when checking out.

Rain Barrels cost for Charles County Residents are as follows:

Painted - $49
Unpainted - $45

Register Now
Free Event
90 Post Office Road,Waldorf,MD,US,20602
About the Organizer

Charles County Environmental Resources

Keith Roumfort
Phone: 301-932-3591

Charles County residents will have the opportunity to purchase a limit of two (2) barrels per Charles County household with a discount, while supplies last. Rain Barrels are 60 gallons in size and may be brown, green, gray, or terra cotta.

solar array in field

The upcoming Solar Visioning Info Session is free to attend, but registration is required. For more information and to register, visit Register by August 12, 2024 to secure a dinner meal and to receive a gift valued at $25 when you attend the meeting.

Register Now
Free Event
1000 College Circle,Wye Mills,MD,US,21679
About the Organizer
University of Maryland Extension
Phone: (301) 226-7581

Solar Visioning Info Session

  • Monday, August 26 - Monday, August 26

The upcoming Solar Visioning Info Session is free to attend, but registration is required. For more information and to register, visit Register by August 12, 2024 to secure a dinner meal and to receive a gift valued at $25 when you attend the meeting.

Register Now
Free Event
1000 College Circle,Wye Mills,MD,US,21679
About the Organizer
University of Maryland Extension
Phone: (301) 226-7581

Residents of Queen Anne’s County are invited to attend an upcoming Solar Visioning Info Session to learn about utility-scale solar development and participate in facilitated discussions. This session aims to educate the public on regional utility-scale solar development and provide a platform for community dialogue on various aspects of solar projects. The insights gathered from this community conversation will inform local leaders, government officials, and the research team about resident perceptions of solar development. The discussion will help shape the following:
• Community vision
• Comprehensive planning, including solar overlay maps
• Strategies for landowners to negotiate with solar developers
• Strategies for communities to negotiate with solar developers.

Your participation will help University of Maryland (UMD) Extension and public officials in understanding how to proactively engage communities in planning for solar energy land use.
Recognizing that many rural landowners may be approached by developers, our goal is to enhance the solar siting process by incorporating the voices and priorities of local and county
government and community members. A summary report will be provided to all participants later in the summer.

This event is organized in partnership with Queen Anne’s County Government, MDA’s Maryland Agricultural Conflict Resolution Service, UMD’s Agriculture Law and Education Initiative, and
UMD Extension. UMD Extension provides Maryland residents with the highest quality of public service, distinguished educational programming, and cutting-edge research through the
dissemination of unbiased research-based educational information. The upcoming Solar Visioning Info Session is free to attend, but registration is required. For more information and
to register, visit Register by August 12, 2024 to secure a dinner meal and to receive a gift valued at $25 when you attend the meeting. We look forward to your
participation in this important community event. For more information, or if you need a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact Drew Schiavone (; 301-226-7581).

2024 Maryland Statewide Digital Equity Summit Flyer
$ $40 until October 1st | $50 day of event. Breakfast and lunch are included
200 E Wells St,Baltimore,MD,US,21230
About the Organizer

Marylanders Online is an initiative through the University of Maryland Extension (UME) and the College of Information (INFO) with state funding that aims to bridge the digital divide throughout the state by promoting digital equity. Marylanders Online aims to advance digital equity in Maryland by helping people get connected with devices, affordable internet, self-directed and guided training curricula, and ongoing technical support. To connect with Digital Navigator for live, one-on-one support, Marylanders can dial 1-866-206-8467, Monday through Friday, 10 AM- 8 PM and Saturday from 10 AM to 5:00 PM, or email to schedule an appointment. For additional resources and information, visit

Marylanders Online
Phone: 1-866-206-8467

2024 Maryland Statewide Digital Equity Summit

  • Tuesday, October 15 - Tuesday, October 15
$ $40 until October 1st | $50 day of event. Breakfast and lunch are included
200 E Wells St,Baltimore,MD,US,21230
About the Organizer

Marylanders Online is an initiative through the University of Maryland Extension (UME) and the College of Information (INFO) with state funding that aims to bridge the digital divide throughout the state by promoting digital equity. Marylanders Online aims to advance digital equity in Maryland by helping people get connected with devices, affordable internet, self-directed and guided training curricula, and ongoing technical support. To connect with Digital Navigator for live, one-on-one support, Marylanders can dial 1-866-206-8467, Monday through Friday, 10 AM- 8 PM and Saturday from 10 AM to 5:00 PM, or email to schedule an appointment. For additional resources and information, visit

Marylanders Online
Phone: 1-866-206-8467

This one-day event convenes digital inclusion leaders, practitioners, and advocates from across the state to discuss critical issues, share best practices, and collaborate on solutions for bridging the digital divide in Maryland. This year's event will offer a dynamic lineup of speakers and panel discussions, with ample networking opportunities. A special Maryland Digital Equity Awards Ceremony will also be held to recognize individuals and organizations leading the charge for digital equity in Maryland.

Flyer with dates for Ask a Master Gardener clinics on September 12th and October 10th from 4-6pm in the Easton Lobby (Talbot County)
Free Event
About the Organizer
Talbot County Master Gardener Volunteers
Phone: 410-822-1244

Ask a Master Gardener

  • Thursday, September 12 - Thursday, September 12
  • Thursday, October 10 - Thursday, October 10
Free Event
About the Organizer
Talbot County Master Gardener Volunteers
Phone: 410-822-1244

Master Gardener volunteers will hold a table in the lobby of the Easton branch of the Talbot County Free Library to help answer garden/landscape-related questions; volunteers will also have give-aways, publications, and other resources to help you get growing this fall.

You can find us from 4-6pm on Thursdays, September 12th and October 10th. Feel free to bring in plant or insect samples!

green grapes
Free Event
About the Organizer
Anne Arundel County Extension

Urban Farm Tour Ice Cream Social

  • Wednesday, July 17 - Wednesday, July 17
Free Event
About the Organizer
Anne Arundel County Extension

You are invited to the AAUFRC Urban Farm Tour Ice Cream Social at the Anne Arundel Extension Office located at 97 Dairy Lane, Gambrills, MD 21054 on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM. Ice cream will be served at 5:00 pm followed by a walking farm tour that begins at 6:00 pm.

This year the Anne Arundel County Extension Urban Farming Research Clinic will highlight: hops, wine grapes, apples, peaches, blackberries, sweet corn and flour corn varieties, pumpkins, gourds, high tunnel vegetables and herbs, cut flowers, market gardening, and bee keeping. Ice Cream Served at 5:00 PM Walking Farm Tour begins at 6:00 PM This event is free. However, a reserved meal ticket is required. If you need special assistance to participate, please contact the Anne Arundel County Extension office at 301-226-7470 by July 15th.

One Health Careers Summit for Teens - vet, environmentalists, doctor

Go to the URL and register through it.

Register Now
$ $5
8020 Greenmead Drive,College Park,MD,US,20740

One Health Careers Summit for Teens

  • Tuesday, July 02 - Tuesday, July 02

Go to the URL and register through it.

Register Now
$ $5
8020 Greenmead Drive,College Park,MD,US,20740

Program Objectives:

• Interact with professionals and increase awareness of various careers within the umbrella of One Health.
• Meet teens with similar interests in pursuing careers in animal, environmental, and human health.
• Gain knowledge, understanding, and skills around career and college readiness.
• Network with professionals to identify opportunities for career development in One Health-related fields.

Youth ages 13+ (as of Jan 1) with a spark in animal sciences, environmental sciences, healthy living, and interested in learning about One Health careers.
Participation Fee: $5.00 per youth

Registration: Limited, closes June 26, 2024

Lunch provided

For reasonable accommodation to participate in this activity, contact Kevin Huang,, or (301) 405-8105 at least two weeks before the event.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Man holding a black bear cub
Register Now
$ $13-$17.50
About the Organizer

Profs & Pints DC: Why I Choose the Bear

  • Monday, June 10 - Monday, June 10
$ $13-$17.50
About the Organizer

“Man or bear?” asks a recent viral meme intended to draw attention to the risks that women face. Coming to the Profs and Pints stage to offer American black bears’ perspective is Dr. Jennifer Mullinax, who has spent more than 25 years trapping, collaring, and tracking black bears and other large animals.

In a talk that promises to be more fun than a pic-a-nic with Yogi and Boo-Boo, Professor Mullinax will discuss her research on black bears from Maryland to Louisiana to Tennessee. She’ll describe how researchers trap black bears and study their movements and behaviors, offering her own accounts of climbing 60ft trees to listen to cubs and of crawling into mother bears’ ground dens.

She’ll dive into the history of black bears populations in the Eastern United States and discuss bear ecology, describing how black bears survive in an ever-urbanizing world. You’ll learn how this once-disappearing charismatic megafauna is now expanding across the Eastern United States.

Professor Mullinax also will discuss bears’ omnivorous habits – with their tastes running from cheeseburgers to American cancer-root – and how they make they it through winter months without eating at all.

Finally, she’ll offer tips for dealing with bears that will increase your odds of walking away safely should you ever encounter one in the woods.

June 10th, 2024
6:00-8:30 pm
Penn Social
801 E St NW
Washington, DC 20004
(Advance tickets: $13.50 plus sales tax and processing fees. Doors: $17, or $15 with a student ID. Listed time is for doors. Talk starts 30 minutes later.)

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