
Momentum Magazine Summer 2021

Summer 2021: The Ripple Effects of Ripple

Craig Beyrouty

Dean and Director

Here in AGNR, the possibilities for partnership and impact are limitless. Enjoy this issue of Momentum, and I look forward to seeing you in-person in the fall.

Momentum Summer 2021


The self-sustaining Ripple design, created by a diverse team of recent alumni and students across AGNR while stuck at home during the pandemic was selected as one of only ten worldwide winners of the 2020 Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) International Design Challenge.

The Ripple Effects of Ripple

James Archsmithassistant professor in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, has uncovered some data trends around fuel efficient car purchases, indicating that there is something unexpected in play.

Fuel for Thought


Dr. Evelyn Cooper

Evelyn Cooper, assistant dean for academic programs and director for retention and diversity at AGNR, discusses the college’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect (DEIR).


In Your Community


The media was abuzz this year with the emergence of the Brood X periodical cicadas, and Mike Raupp and his “Cicada Crew” of graduate students were directly at the center of this historic insect event.

The Cicada Media Buzz

Alumni News

Henry Spies with cow

A relatively unplanned elective course within the Institute of Applied Agriculture shifted Henry Spies' future, enabling him to give birth to Marsh Creek Cattle & Company, a successful pasture-raised animal farm that has risen to prominence with a commitment to environmental sustainability.

Right Place, Right Time

Magdalene Ngeve, researching mangrove genetic diversity along the Wouri River in Cameroon.

If Jacob Ngeve’s(’88, PhD Plant Genetics) 30 plus years in agricultural research has taught him anything, it is the power of hard work. Now, his daughter is a postdoctoral researcher in plant biology and ecology in the very same department in AGNR where he graduated the year she was born.

The Making of a Scientist

Student Achievement


Recent graduate sherry fan ’21 (Nutritional Science and Biological Science) has common interests shared by many people: a vast appreciation for science, love for food and nutrition, and a general desire to do good. But what sets Fan apart is the action she is taking to seek change for a better world.

Drawing on Science

Lamb in a bucket

Only a select few students are able to tackle the challenge of ANSC 245 or Sheep Management, popularly known as “Lamb Watch,” and say they accomplished the feat of helping bring a life into this world.

Counting Sheep and Losing Sleep

Faculty & Staff Recognitions

JoEllen Barnhardt

Barnhardt received the president’s commission on disability issues 2021 faculty award. Barnhardt, who has taught for UMD’s Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) since 2014, radiates compassion, empathy, and a driving commitment to inclusion, both in the classroom and in her service work at and outside of UMD. 

Events & Celebrations

ROOTS Africa Wins Do Good Challenge

Africa women

ROOTS Africa took home the top prize in this year's virtual Do Good Challenge, an annual UMD pitch competition to help raise funds for the issues and communities Terps care about most. As the top winner for the Project Track, students were awarded $5,000, and the team received an additional $5,000 in matching funds from the Rugged Elegance Foundation.

AGNR’s DOTS Art Park

AGNR IT DOTS Art Park Project

Our Information & Education Technology (IET) staff contributed this innovative installation, entitled "Zoom Happy Hour," to the UMD Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) Art Park. This spring, our reduced campus density left a surplus of empty parking. DOTS therefore decided to launch the Art Park initiative, lending parking spaces to programs seeking a venue for outdoor art installations.

New UMD Extension Website

Website screenshot

This spring, AGNR launched a new public face for UMD Extension (UME) with a brand new website. The upgrade represents over two years of discussion, stakeholder engagement, design, and development, prioritizing the public user experience.