
ACE Virtual Center

Agricultural Careers and Entrepreneurship

Need help finding an Agricultural Career?

The ACE Virtual Center can help. ACE stands for Agricultural Careers and Entrepreneurship. This Virtual Center is a project of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources strategic initiative group on, "Advancing Innovative, Profitable, and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems".

This virtual center has been created to provide helpful resources, training, and opportunities for current AGNR students, prospective UMD students, K-12 students, and adult citizens who are interested in pursuing a career in an agricultural field to further advance agricultural systems across Maryland. 

Mission Statement

The ACE Center will produce an inventory of agricultural career opportunities, provide job search resources, host virtual training opportunities, and highlight career and entrepreneurship events to those that aspire to farm or be in the agriculture profession. 

Workforce Development & Extension Internships

Upcoming Events

Career AGsperience & AGsploration In-Service

Learn about the University of Maryland Extension Career AGsperience and AGsploration programs.  The University of Maryland Extension Career AGsperience and AGsploration team will offer a FREE in-service training for educators on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.  The training will occur at the Howard County Fairgrounds in the dining hall from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.  Lunch will be provided.  Register by Friday, January 26th at:  If you have questions, contact April Barczewski at or 410-996-5280 or Sheryl Bennett at or 410-313-1912. 

ACE News and Webinar Recordings

Headshot image of farmer, tyler butler

NEW! MD Farmer Advice Interview

"Experience agriculture in as many ways as you possibly can, so you can really understand what interests you."

- Tyler Butler, General Manager of Butler's Orchard

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Selfie of alum Lydia Printz wearing a baseball hat and blue shirt

NEW! AGNR Featured Alum Interview

"In the last two years, I’ve witnessed the local flower movement grow tremendously. I think it is really cool to play a role in something so big.”

- Lydia Printz, Agricultural Science and Technology: Environmental Horticulture Alum 

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Nutrition and Food Science student posing for a headshot photo

NEW! Student Spotlight Interview

"The biggest piece of advice I could give is to try out every experience that comes your way."

- Rachael May, Dietetics Major

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ACE Winter 2021 Webinar Series Recap

To bring in the New Year, the Agricultural Careers and Entrepreneurship (ACE) Virtual Center hosted the third round of virtual workshop programming geared towards...(read more) 

Contact Information

Do you have any questions or feedback for the ACE Virtual Center? You can contact us through: