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Ms. Dhruti Patel

Senior Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences

Anne Arundel Office and Prince George's County Office ,


  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • Food Preservation
  • Mental Health

Dhruti Patel has been a Family and Consumer Sciences Educator with the University of Maryland Extension since 2012 and has served Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties since 2022. Her expertise encompasses nutrition, health, mental health, food preservation, and education technologies. She uses research-based methodologies to identify community needs, develop targeted educational programs, and evaluate their impact. Her successful program portfolio includes initiatives addressing the Habit Shift Mindset, Alzheimer's Caregiver program, senior nutrition, chronic disease management. HEr  research efforts focus on developing multidisciplinary health programs that integrate nutrition, physical health, and mental well-being through an intersectional lens as well use of technology in improving program expansion and accessibility. 

Patel is a current Doctoral Candidate of Education with Frostburg University, Maryland. Also possesses two masters degrees in Nutritional Sciences (from Texas Tech University) and  (2011), Cinical Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management (from IHM Mumbai, India), and a Bachelor's degree in Food and Nutrition (from B.M.N. College of Home Sciences, India). She brings 18 years of experience from working within various fields of nutrition and health such as clinical, research,  community education. As of 2024, she published 23 manuscripts on diverse nutrition and wellness topics and presented over 32 conference proceedings at international, national, and state levels. She has been serving and leading on many national, state, and local agencies.