
Study Abroad

AGNR Study Abroad

AGNR recognizes the importance of international experiences in shaping the future leaders of agriculture. We are globally interconnected through the necessity of agricultural and ecological processes, and opportunities abroad foster the exchange of international ideas and perspectives. 

In conjunction with the Education Abroad Office, AGNR has established partnerships with the following countries for the summer or winter terms: Chile, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Peru and Taiwan.

AGNR Faculty Led Programs

Unlock academic opportunities though AGNR sponsored programs! These faculty-led programs are a great way to fulfill major and elective requirements. Search for AGNR faculty-led programs in the study abroad database to discover enriching global experiences.

AGNR Across the Globe

AGNR terps have traveled across the world! Now, it is your turn to join them in creating an international community. You have the flexibility to select a study abroad program to fulfill minor credits, pursue language fluency, or for rich culture immersion!  No matter your major, the world is your classroom!

“The study abroad trip to Nicaragua was one of the best things I did as an undergrad at UMD” - AGNR Alumni Terp


More Information

Visit the Education Abroad Office

University of Maryland empowers students with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives to become mindful and engaged global citizens - leaders and professionals with a strong sense of social responsibility who fearlessly embrace global and local challenges with optimism, passion, and innovative thinking.

UMD Education Abroad

Study Abroad Scholarships

AGNR Study Abroad Scholarships

Explore additional scholarship opportunities on the Education Abroad website.

Education Abroad Scholarships

Meet with your Academic Advisor

If you would like to learn more about incorporating study abroad into your academic plan, meet with your academic advisor.