
Weather Data for the Wye REC

Data files are downloadable, in Microsoft Excel Format.

Current year's data will be posted as frequently as possible.

2000-2020   Precipitation
2025 Temperature Precipitation
2024 Temperature Precipitation
2023 Temperature Precipitation
2022 Temperature Precipitation
2021 Temperature Precipitation
2020 Temperature Precipitation
2019 Temperature Precipitation
2018 Temperature Precipitation
2017 Temperature Precipitation
2016 Temperature Precipitation


Citation Notes and Disclaimer

If you use the WREC data set in a report, please reference the data to the University of Maryland System, Agricultural Experiment Station, Wye Research and Education Center.  While we strive to maintain the quality of our weather data, please be aware that this data is specific to WREC.  

The primary purpose of the WREC weather station is to provide data for on-site agricultural research; the data provided to you should only be used as a general indicator of weather conditions at sites other than WREC.

How this Data was Collected

About this data:

Precipitation Data:
All precipitation data is verified and is considered reasonably accurate. Frozen precipitation is reported after thawing.

Precipitation amounts from 1983 through May 2008 have been collected using the

Belfort Universal Precipitation Gauge: Series 5-780
727 South Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21231

Tel: (410) 342-2626

This is a weighing type precipitation collector with an eight-day chart for manual reading


Beginning in June 2008 we changed the type of precipitation gage to an electronic weighing bucket

NOAH IV Precipitation Gauge
ETI Instrument Systems 1317 Webster Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

On-line specifications here:

This is a weighing bucket also, but data is measured electronically.


Temperature Data:
Temperature data is collected electronically and is considered reasonably accurate.

Temperature data is measured with a        
HMP45C-L, Vaisala Temperature and RH Probe
in an aspirated radiation shield at a height of approximately 6 feet.

On-line specifications here: