CMREC - Beltsville Facility - Yield Year 2022
We are proud to present you with the first edition of a series of annual newsletters showcasing the diversity of applied research and hands-on educational programming that happen at the University of Maryland Research and Education Centers across the state. These facilities provide a living-laboratory space to carry out research addressing the real-world problems facing our farmers from issues like invasive species, climate change, economics, and environmental
conservation. The information produced from these research projects is shared with the scientific community and directly to the public through journal articles, extension newsletters, and many other formats, but compiling summaries of all of the work done at each facility in one publication here gives a snapshot of how many projects are carried out at each research farm every year. Here, we have compiled reports on the 2022 projects at the Central Maryland Research and Education Center (CMREC) in Beltsville. CMREC-Beltsville is only a short drive from College Park, and so this facility tends to attract a range of faculty from campus. This facility is located on land that is a part of USDA’s Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, and has been leased as a partnership between USDA and UMD. This ongoing agreement has helped to foster collaboration between USDA and MDA researchers over the years, including some of the work that was carried out in 2022. We hope you enjoy reading about the breadth of different projects, and gain some insight on the value of the work carried out at the RECs each year.
2- Beltsville Weather Station 2- Fundamentals of Soil Science Course - Catena in the Field
3- Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Agespecific Resistance
5- Evaluation of different rates of insecticide Plinazolin® Sc200 for control of fruitworms and other fruit-feeding insect pests in staked tomato production
8- Enhanced Cover Cropping for Nutrient Management - Two Fields 8- UMD Bee Lab and the New UMD Bee Squad
9- Grain Yield is not Impacted by Early Defoliation of Maize: Implications for Fall Armyworm1 Action Thresholds
14- Factsheet Disease Data Maryland Wheat and Barley Varieties 2022
15- Impact of Cover Crop Termination Method on Soil Moisture
18- Field evaluation of the efficiency of DDI concentrate for weed control and residual activity
21- Sweet Corn Sentinel Monitoring Network
24- Flower power: floral diversity attracts beneficial
Beltsville Weather Station
Weather data for Beltsville is displayed on our website. The information can be displayed by month, or by the year in a printable format. To compare weather data averages by the month or year, check out our website! If your research requires this data in a different format, please contact Sheila Oscar (soscar@umd.edu) and he will help to get the information you are requesting.