Plans & Progress

Transparency and accountability are key components of the AGNR Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) Strategic Plan. As information is available about plans, activities, and outcomes it will be accessible on this web page.



•  DEIR Council Retreat


•  TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at Fredrick County Extension Office, June 14
•  TerrapinSTRONG offered on Zoom, June 13
•  Workshop Pilot: Implicit Bias - Uncovering the Hidden Impacts, Zoom, June 11
•  TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at Kent County Extension facility, June 2


•   TerrapinSTRONG offered on Zoom May 3 and 6
•   TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at College Park, May 2


•    TerrapinSTRONG offered on Zoom May 3 and 6
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at College Park, May 2
•    DEIR Council members selected and charged by Dean Beyrouty
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at Clarkesville facility, April 19
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at Wye Research & Education Center, April 18
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at Westminster facility, April 13
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at Salisbury facility, April 11
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered on Zoom April 8 and 12
•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at College Park, April 1, 20, 25, 29


•    TerrapinSTRONG offered in person at College Park, March 15, 17, 29, 30
•    DEIR Council language approved. Nominations and selection of council members begins


•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Clarksville facility
•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Salisbury facility
•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Upper Marlboro facility
•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Western Maryland Research Center


•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Wye Research & Education Center
•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Beltsville facility
•    Diversity Officer site visit at MAES Turfgrass facility
•    TerrapinSTRONG for current AGNR faculty and staff developed and presented to college leadership

2021 Activities

  • DECEMBER: Diversity Officer introduces plan templates and tracking mechanisms
  • OCTOBER: Diversity Officer hired to execute DEIR Strategic Plan and provide college-wide DEIR education. Dean Beyrouty College-side Chat introduces new Diversity Officer
  • APRIL: DEIR Strategic Plan finalized. Observing the Past While Transforming the Future: A Reaffirmed Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect posted on website
  • MARCH: DEIR Strategic Plan introduced in Dean Beyrouty college-side chat
  • FEBRUARY: Units develop individual DEIR plans
  • JANUARY: College leadership workshops unit-level plan structure

2020 Activities

DECEMBER: College leadership develops strategic plan structure and goals

JUNE – NOVEMBER: College leadership participates in ongoing DEIR workshops and discussions

OCTOBER: DEIR conversations and updates included in Dean Beyrouty college-side chat

JUNE: DEIR consultant engaged. Message of solidarity and ongoing commitment to DEIR issued by Dean Beyrouty

AGNR Departmental DEIR Plans

As plans are approved by the DEIR Council they will be posted here. Examples:  the Environmental Science & Technology department DEIR page includes the plan as a PDF. The department of Veterinary Medicine DEIR page includes a statement and the plan.