Name | Contact Information | Expertise |
Adriana Alonzo
Ali Reda Eid Ali
Post-Doctoral Associate
Roselina Angel
Poultry |
Andrea Aplasca
Charlie Apter
Senior Lecturer
animal behavior and welfare animal science diet and health Equine Science Food Science Nutrition sustainability |
Debabrata Biswas
Bacteriology Foodborne Pathogens Vaccine Alternative Therapeutics Alternative Growth Promoters |
Angela Black
Andrew Broadbent
Assistant Professor
Alex Broadway
Faculty Assistant
Amy O Burk
Equine Science Pasture Management Rotational Grazing Equine Nutrition |
Clare Capotosto
Program Management Specialist I
Rose Cardinal
Asst Coor
Sunoh Che
Assistant Professor
Poultry management Veterinary epidemiology Statistical model building Metabolic disorders of chickens |
Fabiana De Freitas Cardoso
Assistant Professor
Dairy Science Animal Nutrition & Feed Animal Management Forage Management |
John A Doerr
Professor Emeritus
Mycotoxins Animal Toxicology |
Sheryl Grey
Business Services Specialist
Chris Hakenkamp
Senior Lecturer
Iqbal Hamza
Younggeon Jin
Assistant Professor
Gastrointestinal Health and Physiology Intestinal Stem Cells Intestinal Mesenchymal Stromal Cells |
Boonyarit Kamkrathok
Faculty Assistant
Jessica M Karunaratne
Research Assistant
Carol L. Keefer
Embryology Animal Biotechnology |
Byung-Eun Kim
Associate Professor
Tabitha Koelzer
Richard Kohn
Animal Nutrition Management |
Carrie E Leonard
Post-Doc Assoc
Lei Li
Faculty Research Assistant
Li Ma
Statistical Genetics Population Genetics GWAS Genomic Selection Dairy Cattle |
Ian Mather
Professor Emeritus
Kristina Mayo
Faculty Lecturer, UMD Pre-Vet Academic Advisor
Megan McLean
Michael Mobley
Kim Montague-Smith
Program Administrative Specialist
Victoria Pearlman
Assistant Director
Tom E Porter
Distinguished University Professor
Emilia Przygrodzka
Assistant Professor
Jennifer Reynolds
Equine Extension Activities Poultry Extension Activities |
Mohamed (Moh) Salem
Associate Professor
Aquaculture Genomics Muscle biology |
Andrew Schiffmacher
Assistant Professor
Embryonic Tissue Lineage Development Stem Cell Biology Cadherin Biology Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition |
Heewon Seo
Assistant Professor
Uterine and Placental Biology Implantation and Placentation Post-Implantation Embryonic Development |
Panpradub Sinpru
Faculty Assistant
Racheal Slattery
Joseph H Soares
Professor Emeritus
Jiuzhou Song
Jonathan Stephanoff
IT Coor
Website Design & Management Multimedia Graphic Design |
Nishanth E Sunny
Associate Professor
Liver metabolism Mitochondrial function Insulin resistance Fatty liver disease |
Lisa A Taneyhill
Early embryonic patterning Intercellular interactions and communication Neural crest cells Placode cells |
Nichola E Thompson
Faculty Specialist
Adele Turzillo
Professor and Chair
Reproductive biology Endocrinology Academic administration Leadership of national grant programs |
Monica K VanKlompenberg
Senior Lecturer
Mark A Varner
Professor Emeritus
Dairy Science international agriculture Internet Extension |
Paul Vaughan
Dir Admin Srv
Inder K Vijay
Professor Emeritus
Pablo Villafranco
Business Manager
Dennis C Westhoff
Professor Emeritus
Walter Williams
Professor Emeritus
Zhengguo Xiao
Liu Yang
Post-Doctoral Associate