
AGNR Equal Access Policies

University System of Maryland Policies
University of Maryland Policies
AGNR Policies

Anti-Harassment Procedure – Respectful Workplaces, Reporting Procedures, and Responsibilities
As the cornerstone college of the University of Maryland (UMD) and the “people’s” college, our commitment to building and maintaining a community which reflects our value system, fosters our fundamental land-grant mission and celebrates individual differences and diversity is an integral part of our existence. AGNR has a zero-tolerance policy for conduct prohibited by UMD policies, including but not limited to bullying, discrimination, harassment (including but not limited to sexual harassment), sexual misconduct, and retaliation.

AGNR’s Position Statement: Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Program Access
AGNR, as a recipient of Federal financial assistance, to take every effort to ensure program participants, potential and eligible beneficiaries, and sub-recipients have meaningful access to our programs, services, employment, educational programs, and extend full consideration to all individuals, including those identified as Limited English Proficient Persons (LEP).

Public Policy Notification – Program Rights, Reporting and Responsibilities

Describes implementation on all communication channels and educational material regarding public education, public distribution and public notification of AGNR federally assisted programs.

Social Media Policy – Public Notification
This directive establishes a path forward for continuous notification to the public and to the citizens of Maryland regarding AGNR’s equal opportunity and access to federally assisted programs and activities.

Partnering Agreement (formerly the Nondiscrimination Letter for Partnering with External Organization)

AGNR Operating Units who are delivering federally assisted programs are expected to utilize the following document to specify partnerships and expectations with external stakeholders and/or organizations benefiting "directly or indirectly" from federal financial assistance.