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Dr. Jorge Holzer

Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies

2117 Symons Hall 7998 Regents Drive College Park, Maryland 20742-5535


  • Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
  • Economics of Uncertainty
  • Marine Resource Economics



Jorge Holzer is an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. His research interests are in the fields of natural resource economics, environmental economics and applied microeconomics, with a particular focus on marine resources and the allocation of harvesting rights. His work ranges from the design of market-based mechanisms and conservation auctions to non-market valuation, especially recreational fisheries. He is currently a member of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), member of the Chesapeake Bay Program Sustainable Fisheries Goal Implementation Team (GIT), vice-chair and Maryland’s state representative to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Committee on Economics and Social Sciences (CESS), member of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group on Economics and Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys, and an affiliate of Maryland Sea Grant. He currently teaches a Ph.D. level applied microeconomics course, and has previously taught a graduate level natural resource economics course and a multidisciplinary undergraduate course on the Chesapeake Bay.


Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2010
MBA, University of Oxford, 2000
M.S., (with Distinction), Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1996
B.S., Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1994


  • Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
  • Economics of Uncertainty
  • Marine Resource Economics


Selected Publications:

Thébaud, O, J.R. Nielsen, A. Motova, H. Curtis, F. Bastardie, G.E. Blomqvist, F. Daurès, L. Goti, J. Holzer, J. Innes, A. Muench, A. Murillas, R. Rosa, E. Thunberg, S. Villasante, J. Virtanen, S. Walso, S. Agnarson, D. Castilla Espino, R. Curtin, G. DePiper, R. Doering, H. Ellefsen, J.J. García del Hoyo, S. Gourguet, P. Greene, K.G. Hamon, A. Haynie, J.B. Kellner, S. Kuikka, B. LeGallic, C. Macher, R. Nielsen, R. Prellezo, J. Santiago Castro-Rial, K. Sys, K. H. Oostenbrugge, and Vastenhoud, B.M.J. “Integrating Economics into Fisheries Science and Advice: Progress, Needs and Future Opportunities”, ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2023, 0:1-17.

Holzer, J. and McConnell, K. 2023. “Extraction Rights Allocation with Liquidity Constraints”, Resource and Energy Economics, 71:101345.

Holzer, J. and McConnell, K. 2022 . “The Ambiguity of Fishing for Fun”, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,

Holzer, J. and Olson L. 2021. “Precautionary Buffers and Stochastic Dependence in Environmental Policy", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 106:102406.

Holzer, J. and McConnell, K. 2020. “Welfare with Imperfect Foreknowledge: The Case of Risk Aversion”, Land Economics, 96(1):43-55.

Holzer, J. and K. Byler. 2019.“Deepwater Horizon Oceanic Fish Restauration Project: An Application of Market Mechanisms and Conservation”, Marine Policy, 108:1-9.

Holzer, J. and G. DePiper. 2019. “Intertemporal Quota Arbitrage in Multispecies Fisheries”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 93:185-207.

Holzer, J. and Q. Qu#. 2018. “Confidence of the Trembling Hand: Bayesian Learning with Data Poor Stocks”, Natural Resource Modeling,

Holzer, J., G. DePiper, and D. Lipton. 2017. “Buybacks with Costly Participation”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 85:130-145.