He's EVERYWHERE! Cicada Season Busy for UME’s “Bug Guy”

University of Maryland Extension specialist Mike Raupp gets up close and personal with a Brood II Cicada

Image Credit: Matt Houston, Associated Press

June 5, 2013 Sara Gavin

University of Maryland Extension (UME) specialist Mike Raupp’s expertise on insects is typically in high demand but the emergence of the 17-year cicadas in the northeast have made him a popular attraction for local, regional, national and international media outlets.

If you missed Raupp Friday, June 7 on The Tonight Show with Jay leno, you can view the clips below!

Part 1: Raupp on The Tonight Show:

Part 2: Raupp on The Tonight Show:


Raupp was also featured in The Washington Post, Science News Magazine, CNN Radio and on Canadian Television.

Check out his “Bug of the Week” blog which features (what else) cicadas!