Advance Innovative, Profitable, and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems

Advance Innovative, Profitable, and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems

  • Increase plant and animal productivity through new technologies, cutting edge research and Extension programs.

  • Improve and conserve soil health and water quality to sustain farms through the generations.

  • Address measures to manage the changing climate and its impact on agricultural production in Maryland.

  • Contribute to the success of agricultural businesses.

  • Provide educational opportunities to create the next generation of agricultural leaders.

    A Deeper Dive 
    Contact Co- Chairs: Nicole Fiorellino and April Barczewski 

Cornerstone Event 2023

Cornerstone Event audience photo

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Cornerstone Event to celebrate and build partnerships with a full day of engagement around Advancing Agricultural Production Systems. 

Maryland Crop and Animal Production