Animal Science

Animal Science

Animal and Avian Sciences provides a challenging program for academically talented students interested in the application of biology and technology to the care, management, and study of domestic and aquatic animals. For more information, visit the:

Animal Science Website
The ANSC department has degrees available in Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Master of Science (M.S.), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).  ANSC offers three undergraduate programs of study and five graduate programs of study.

Undergraduate Programs: Graduate Programs:
  • Animal Care & Management
  • Science/ Pre-Professional
  • Combined Ag-Veterinary Medicine
  • Animal Behavior & Well-Being
  • Genetics & Cell Biology
  • Reproduction & Development
  • Nutrient Utilization & Metabolism
  • Pathobiology and Infectious Diseases

Learn more about each of the programs of study below.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Animal Care & Management

Love animals? Interested in exploring careers that deal with the care and use of animals? The Department of Animal and Avian Sciences offers a specialized option in Animal Care and Management. This curriculum prepares you for a rewarding career in poultry and livestock production and related fields (animal nutrition, health, and allied industries.)

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Science/ Pre-Professional

Prepares students for admission to veterinary, dental or medical schools and/or graduate school. Graduate school study can open the door to an exciting research career in specialty areas of animal or biological sciences such as genetics, nutrition, physiology or cell biology.

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Combined Ag-Veterinary Medicine

In addition to their major faculty advisor, students interested in veterinary medicine also work with a second advisor in the admissions office of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine located on campus. A combined degree program is available to students who gain admission to veterinary school prior to completing their bachelor's degree.

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Graduate Programs of Study

Animal Behavior & Well Being

Faculty in our animal behavior & well-being group study the impacts of environmental stressors on the behavior and well-being of agricultural animals.

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Genetics & Cell Biology

The primary thrust of the Genetics and Cell Biology Group is to illuminate the molecular and cellular basis of complex biological systems using a multi-organismal and multi-faceted approach. The group comprises faculty that span across multiple disciplines with research focuses in basic and translational research and with implications for animal health and diseases and the environment.

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Reproduction & Development

The Reproduction and Development faculty possess a wide range of scientific expertise that, in many instances, spans multiple core research areas. Through both basic and applied research, our faculty continues to make important contributions to the fields of animal agriculture and the biomedical sciences.

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Nutrient Utilization & Metabolism

The Nutrient Utilization and Metabolism faculty possess expertise in both basic and applied research approaches to systemically address important nutritional issues facing animal agriculture at the local, state and national levels.

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Pathobiology and Infectious Diseases

The major task for this pathogen-host interacting group is to decipher how hosts launch efficient immunity against infections, thus information obtained will be useful for the development of vaccine and control of infectious diseases. This group include faculty with expertise covering multiple disciplines in both basic and translational research.

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Additional Resources

Considering ANSC for a degree? Discover more information on coursework, research, and more.