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Christopher Slack

Business Manager

Business Manager

Institute of Applied Agriculture 3300B Symons Hall 7998 Regents Dr College Park, MD 20742-2525


  • Departmental budgeting and financial planning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Compliance
  • Accounting

     Chris Slack holds a Bachelor's of Science in Financial Economics from UMBC and is currently working towards a Master's of Professional Studies in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Innovation at UMBC, graduating December 2023. Chris's professional background also lies within UMBC, having worked in the Athletics Business Office for nearly 4 years before coming to the IAA at UMD. In the UMBC Athletics Business Office, Chris managed travel for 15 fielded sports teams, coordinated annual budgets totaling ~$16M, and served as a financial compliance resource for a department of ~150 people.

     Chris lived immediately adjacent to the CMREC Clarksville facility for a substantial period of his childhood and has grown deeply aligned with the significance of agricultural research and application. He is eager to employ his academic and professional skills to strategically support the IAA mission and bolster its capacity as a scholarly institution.

Go Terps!