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Marlow Dilling


Nutrient Management Advisor

Caroline County 9194 Legion Road Denton, MD 21629


  • Nutrient Management
  • Caroline County


  • B.S. - Environmental Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park

I have spent practically my entire life within Caroline County. Growing up, I helped my family on our farm where we raised some cattle, pigs, chickens, and vegetables for personal consumption. At a young age, I participated in 4-H and barrel-racing on our old Welsh pony named "Sparkles". In Spring of 2024 I earned my Bachelor's of Science majoring in Soil and Watershed Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park. Through my education, I had the privilege of working under Dr. Weil on two research projects concerning cover crops. One project examined nitrogen retention capabilities of cover crops while another examined the effect of "planting green" on slug-crop damage. I earned my Nutrient Management Consultant Certification from MDA in August of 2024. Currently, I produce nutrient management plans for various Caroline County farm owners and operators.