Schedule and descriptions of training required for AGNR.
Trainings & Presentations
2024: Where are they...? Brown Bag Series in Collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau
By popular demand, the AGNR Administrative Services, HRMCDP unit is pleased to present a brownbag series entitled, "Where are they…?". This collaborative effort with U.S. Census Bureau population specialist, Stacie McNeal, is fostered to deliver educational training on Maryland populations. The training will provide resources and techniques to navigate the 2020 interactive data visualization to support AGNR educational pursuits of expanding access to new and emerging populations across the state.
Session 1: Dashboards, Demography, & Deadlines… oh my! - October 28, 2024
A deep dive session on Narrative Profiles utilizing Quick Facts on the U.S. Census Bureau website.
2023: AGNR - United States Census Bureau Virtual Training - Aug 23, 2023
In this training, the Census Bureau will demonstrate how to locate data from the Census Bureau’s Populations (Decennial and Community Surveys) relative to various states, cities, counties, etc. In addition, individuals will learn how to access race, gender, ethnic, and other diversity data in the newly released 2020 datasets using an interactive data visualization. The data visualization offers a unique way to identify trends for any state, counties, and the respective city. Please click here to print slides.
2023: How to Prepare for an Internal Program Assessment Training
This training and other assessments will measure the nondiscrimination of our programs and services. This training is derived from the regulations established by NIFA in preparation for a civil rights compliance review of our Extension and Research operations.
2022-2023: Anti-Harassment of a Sexual & Non-Sexual Nature Training
The 2022-2023 training will include Anti-Harassment of a Sexual/Non-Sexual Nature as it aligns with sex-discrimination prohibitions and protection by federal law under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This training element expands the noted prohibitions beyond sex to include other forms of harassment and discriminatory practices.
2021: Civil Rights (Title VI) Training
12/01/2021 Presentation: Breaking Barriers: Physical, Language, and Other Forms of Accessibility
The 2021 virtual training sessions will facilitate our mission requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to provide training related to the Limited English Proficient audiences we are reaching in our state and programmatic or county/city/facility specific plans. Such noted training and plan creation compliments our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Respect (DEIR) initiatives and College-level Plan requirements under Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency." As well as providing DEIR related content to the educators reaching broader beneficiaries of the state.
2021: The Administrative Project - Bridging the Gap
During the 2018 Internal Program Assessment, discussions took place with administrative support personnel with regards to revising the filing and record management systems to meet our land-grant requirements. The Compliance Program has formed a team of individuals from both UME and MAES to establish and implement a unified procedure for all of AGNR’s Title VI administrative procedures. Please click here for Part I and Part II.
2020: Civil Rights (Title VI/VII) Training
12/16/2020 Presentation: Title VI and VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
This 2020 virtual training session covers Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI predominantly focuses on our responsibilities to our customers receiving federal financial assistance while Title VII instructs AGNR faculty and staff in their roles and responsibilities relative to employment. The training will greatly strengthen understanding of overall programmatic and research responsibilities of the University of Maryland Extension (UME) and the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) as it relates to federal laws, directives, and policies of AGNR's funding entities and the agencies enforcing federal oversight. Additionally, the training encompasses an overview of other anti-discrimination laws, internal administrative procedures, resources and the compliant notification process for Title VI reporting.