If you wish to take a course at another institution and have that course and its credits transfer back into the University of Maryland, you are required to submit a “Permission to Enroll” (PTE) form with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR).  This form acknowledges the following:

     1.  The course will transfer back as an approved UMD equivalent course*
     2.  The credit will be counted towards your total number of degree credits.
     3.  You have permission by AGNR to apply this course to your UMD degree requirements.

*Not all transfer courses have UMD equivalents; please see your advisor and/or AGNR to determine how the course will be applied to your major/degree.  You can research course transfer equivalents on the UMD Transfer Credit Database.

This form acts as evidence of permission from Maryland to take the course. Some institutions will require this paperwork in order for students to register. Typically, courses are taken during the summer or winter terms. 

Complete the online Permission to Enroll.

PLEASE read the instructions and rules associated with the form.  Student User Guide

Please Note:  This form will first be sent for initial approval by your Academic Advisor.  After he/she approves it, it will be sent to AGNR Academic Programs for final approval.  This process may take up to 7 business days to complete. You will be notified via email when the form has been approved by AGNR Academic Programs.