Name | Contact Information | Expertise |
Victoria Ackroyd
Asst Research Scientist
Carol D Allen
Agent Associate
M Aycock
Professor Emeritus
Christopher Behnke
IT Support Associate
Edward Beste
Associate Professor Emeritus
Weed Science |
John C Bouwkamp
Associate Professor Emeritus
Vegetables |
Mark Carroll
Associate Professor
Caren Chang
Diana Cochran
Assistant Clinical Professor
Gary Coleman
Associate Professor
Dora Diana Cortez
Academic Advisor & Lecturer
Academic Advising |
Jose M Costa
Professor Emeritus
James Culver
Peter H Dernoeden
Professor Emeritus
Turfgrass Management Turfgrass IPM |
Christopher D. Ellis
John Erwin
Professor & Chair
Kathryne L Everts
Prof & Director
Macarena Farcuh
Assistant Professor
Shaun Faulkner
Facility Manager
Departmental Liason to University of Maryland Facilities Management Departmental Fleet Coordinator Laboratory Safety and Compliance Controlled Environments |
Jose Feijo
Affiliate Professor
Nicole Fiorellino
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Agronomy
Kelly Fleming
Asst Clinical Professor
Maryam Foroughi
Post-Doctoral Associate
Prem Ganesan
Faculty Assistant
Jonathan Gemmell
Samantha Hasselhoff
Agric Tech Lead
Meghan Fisher Holbert
Agricultural Technician Supervisor
Caleb Horseman
Agric Tech Supv
Mengjun Hu
Associate Professor
Plant Pathology Grape and Small Fruit Disease Fungicide Resistance and Its Mechanisms Fungal Epidemiology |
Kathleen W Hunt
Administrative Assistant II
Brenda Iraola
Lea Johnson
Adjunct Asst Professor
Wennett Jones
Business Manager
Blaise Jumbam
Post-Doctoral Associate
William J. Kenworthy
Professor Emeritus
Robert J Kratochvil
Associate Professor
Agronomic Crop Production |
Anil Kumar
Post-Doctoral Associate
Byoung-Suk Kweon
Thomas Lai
Agric Tech Lead
John D Lea-Cox
Visiting Professor
Nursery Research Water and Nutrient Management Wireless Sensor Networks Nutritional Physiology Web-based Distance Learning |
JeeEun Lee
Post-Doctoral Associate
Gen Li
Assistant Research Professor
Weifeng Luo
Post-Doctoral Associate
Charles A McClurg
Associate Professor Emeritus
Marla S McIntosh
Professor Emeritus
Shirley Micallef
Ruth Miller
Business Services Specialist
Brian Moyer
Agric Tech Lead
Charles L Mulchi
Professor Emeritus
Angus Murphy
Professor Emeritus
Plant Hormone Biology Cell biology - membrane protein characterization Growth regulators- endogenous, microbial, synthetic Biochemical analyses- mass spectroscopy, fluorescence imaging |
David N. Myers
Associate Professor
Landscape Architecture |
Maile C Neel
Michelle Neff
Financial Services |
Timothy J Ng
Professor Emeritus
Dennis R Nola
Selda Ors Cirik
Visiting Professor
Andrea Ottesen
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Wendy Peer
Associate Professor
Karen A Petroff
Yiping Qi
Plant genome engineering Plant innate immunity |
Patricia Ramalho de Barros Leite
Faculty Assistant
Nidhi Rawat
Associate Professor
Ronald L Ritter
Professor Emeritus
Weed Control |
Dhiovanna Rocha
Faculty Assistant
Daniel Rodriguez Leal
Assistant Professor
Wanderley Vital Rubin
Program Coordinator
Deni Ruggeri
Associate Professor
Sherry Russell
Naomi Sachs
Assistant Professor
Saratu Samaila
Administrative Assistant II
Fereshteh (Angel) Shahoveisi
Assistant Professor
Plant Pathology Epidemiology/ Machine Learning Genetics of Host Resistance Nematology Turfgrass disease management |
Parva Sharma
Post-Doctoral Associate
Colby Silvert
Assistant Professor
Theophanes Solomos
Professor Emeritus
Jack Sullivan
Associate Professor
Joseph H. Sullivan
Professor and Associate Dean
forest ecology ultraviolet radiation Ecophysiology plant physiology Environmental Science |
Reuben Tayengwa
Asst Research Scientist
Kara Thompson
Prog Mgmt Spec
Vijay Tiwari
Associate Professor
Bob Tjaden
Professor Emeritus
Environmental Policy Natural Resource Policy |
Kate Tully
Associate Professor
Aytug Tuncel
Post-Doctoral Associate
Colleen Vacelet
Lester R Vough
Associate Professor Emeritus
Forage Systems Management |
Sydney F Wallace
Christopher S Walsh
Professor Emeritus
Horticulture |
Shihua Wang
Melissa Welsh
Assistant Clinical Professor
John William Wray IV
Shunyuan Xiao
Caren Yglesias
Man Zhou
Asst Research Scientist